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It's Been A While

Danska: Shadow Master


It's 2008! High time I wrote a new blog entry, I think.


Let us start with Christmas. That happened recently, as I think one or two people might have noticed. Now shocking thought it might sound, it did not escape my attention either. See? I can be observant!


Now, about Christmas. As always, this constituted a family event - gathering at my gran's house in a small town on the coast of nowhere. Man it's an exciting place. <_< Anyway, many presents were recieved. I myself enjoyed the pleasure of gaining books 2-5 of the Belgariad series by David Eddings (I have the first one) plus the first book of The Mallorean (also by David Eddings - a sequel series to The Belgariad). Oh, and Nightrise by Anthony Horiwitz, the third in his 'Power of Five' series. Oddly enough, all those series' have 5 books in them. Strange. Anyway, I also recieved Pirates of the Carribean III on DVD, Knights of the Old Republic II for PC (fantastic game), some chocolates and some moneys. Needless to say, this has all kept my quite busy. Particularly KotOR II.


New Year was something of a failure, as absolutely nothing happened. Ah well. I've never done much for it in the past anyway.


Now the new year has begun, bringing with it the inevitable return to college and the mountanous pile of work I should really have done but have conveniently forgotten about due to Christmas. Oh yes, and exams. They're quite soon, too. But working on my kit's more important, right? Of course, there's no question about KotOR II. That's obviously more important!


Oooooh yeah. I now have Photok and Solek. I really like them, although once again feel patronised by the painful simplicity of their construction. Admittedly they're only small sets, so I wouldn't be expecting a highly intricate and complex design, but something that involved even the tiniest glimmer of thought would be appreciated. Despite that, I find them highly playable as their size and relatively excellent poseability is simply perfect. What's more, their masks are great! It's almost as if they've jumped back a few years and grabbed some masks from the Mata/Metru era. Photok's in particular is impressive, actually having some holes and bringing with it a nice, sweeping curve that is so reminiscent of masks such as the Hau or Miru. Solek's makes him look like he's just taken a large mouthful of water and is about to spit it out, but it's still not too bad.


Thanks to these guys I've been able to reinforce the work I've done so far on the Av-Matoran, thus bringing the finished 2008 kit one step further to completion. I need to get a couple of shadow Matoran now so I can see what those annoying feet of theirs actually look like. Perhaps Radiak and Gavla - that way I get one with the new feet + tools I have yet to acquire, and can play about with Radiak and his four-leggedness. Here's hoping Woolworths has them!


Well that was a long ramble about nothing too important or interesting. I hope I haven't bored you too mu - hey! Stay awake! I'm almost done, honest! And with that said, good morning!

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