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I've taken an interest in Avatar: The Last Airbender lately. I had already seen a couple of the early episodes, but the storyline didn't really interest me (when I get into something, it's usually because of the storyline; hence why I like BIONICLE). However, over the past few weeks I've been watching Avatar on Friday nights (Saturday morning, actually) from midnight to 1 AM, and in seeing some of the Book 2 and Book 3 episodes, I realized that the story is actually a lot better than I had originally thought it would be. I then discovered TurboNick, and watched every Avatar episode that I hadn't seen yet, and I'm really looking forward to rest of the Book 3 episodes. Maybe another reason for my sudden interest in Avatar could be that I've always had a deep appreciation of ancient Chinese culture, but either way, it's a good show. Anyone else like it?


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It's probably my 3rd favorite cartoon show! :P


I've been watching the episodes since they began, and I became hooked quick.


It has a good blend of comedy (Sokka) drama, and action. I great win in my book!


Not to mention it's another story that revolves around the elements. :)

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Not to mention it's another story that revolves around the elements. :)



Yeah, the humor is pretty good too, Sokka reminds me a lot of myself, but I've also got a few traits of Azula in me. The show really picked up when she was introduced (and picked up even more when Toph was introduced too).


*is currently making awesome Avatar banner*

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The show really picked up when she was introduced (and picked up even more when Toph was introduced too).


*is currently making awesome Avatar banner*


Yeh, when Azula came it was a big twist, and Toph was good since there were no main Earth Benders on the team. :)


Cool, can't wait to see them. :D

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Banner making and the such is a hobby I really enjoy, and I try to be really good. That way, people can ask me to do stuff like that for them.

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You should watch some more episodes. Possibly some of the more recent ones. They're actually quite good.



yeah.. but i've been pretty busy lately... having to catch up after breaking your arm is not fun...

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I can understand that. How's your arm coming along? Is it healing up the way it's supposed to?


good... yeah.. it actually wasn't that bad, cause it didn't dislocate, but it did cute all the way through..it's scary to look at your x-ray and see a big crack in your bone *shivers* :P


only 2 more weeks :)



~:t: :l: :t:~


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