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Feel The Burn



I didn't resolve to do anything this year, but a coworker has convinced me to start going to the local community center after work. I'm not fat, and I don't get winded on stairs...but as you can probably guess I live a pretty stationary lifestyle. I've tried in the past to do some working out, but it's never stuck.


The idea behind having at least two people is they'll each keep the other motivated, and since I know nothing about what makes a good workout, he's able to give me tips and make sure I'm doing the exercises right. The downside....OW! Since I'm just starting out, my muscles aren't used to the weights. I'm not overloading, but wowza. I lifted Friday and my left arm STILL can't straighten out. But I've been told it's nothing to worry about, so I'm not going to.


Hopefully this will turn out well. I've been slimming down since I got off the campus meal plan (buffet style = bad), but I'm still sorta pudgy. I'm not going to hulk out or anything, I just want to get to a consistent healthy tone.


If I start lifting cars over my head, I'll post photos.


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Yeah, I don't quite lift weights, but I did enjoy doing it in gym class a few years ago.

Maybe I'll find someone in college who wants to do it too, and we can go to the campus workout center and motivate each other.


I think it's fun, do you?


Awaiting that car pic....



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It's more the social aspect that I enjoy, hanging out with people. Eventually meeting new people. It's something I need to do right now since all my friends are still on campus (which is a good hour and a half away and thus not an everyday trip)

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