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So, a non-BBCC-related entry...Firstly, I'd like to know if would you rather see pictures of me:

Eating Vamprah?With a Martian escaping from my nose?With Tridax pods over my eyes and looking quite scary?Anyway, I figured I'd better blog about that party before I forgot about it, so here goes.


Regrettably, I am unable to provide pictures of my awesome costume (and believe me, I definitely stood out from everyone else there), because my friends who have the camera with all the good pictures of me as Ace Ventura went to Wisconsin for their great-grandmother's 100th birthday without sending me any pics beforehand. Anyway, here's how the party went:


Firstly, for those of you who might have perceived this to be a party with loud rock music, spasmodic "dancing", and obnoxious teens thrashing about and occasionally having crises, let me dispel your illusions. This was a nice, civilized party with ballroom dancing, polite conversation, etc., etc. I did spice things up a little bit by walking the Ace walk, spouting Pythonisms, and vaulting over one of the speakers, but it was mostly just a bunch (~60?) of good peoples having good, clean fun.


That and MYSTERY...


This year we were invited to take part in a murder mystery (hence the requirement to dress up as detectives), and one of the ways to get clews was to dance with somebody. So, the Sheriff of someplace-in-medieval-England (One of the more distinctive characters there, besides myself and my IT classmate's Inspector Clouseau) got up on the stage and taught everyone the most basic steps of a few different dances. You would not believe how energetically some people can do the Polka. I'm pretty well in shape from soccer and all, but keeping up with some of those people would have been tricksy to say the least. Also, one of my girl*SPACE*friends kept trying to lead when I was supposed to. Not surprising, given her personality... Anyway, I did dance with some girls, but it was done only to attain clews. Really.



Original Date: 1:12:08


Recommended Comments

Eating Vamprah? No. I'm sure he'll give you indigestion.

Martian in your nose? No. Who knows what alien bacteria and viruses they carry?

Tridax pods over eyes? YES!

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Ooh, excellent. I will totally use that, thanks.


*is enraptured by Sardines*


So I think we have two for the Tridax pods, and one each for the others? I'll get pics up...

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