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First Day Of School



Quoting one of my new teachers: "I want to burn you and your family when you do stuff like that..."




My classes seem quite a bit easier than last term and I am really glad about that. I have A graphic design class, a P.E. team sports "class", Concert Choir (The advanced choir class at my school =D), and English 11. The only class that even pretends to act like a threat to my grade is the last of those.


But since our school has two separate lunch times, I can't talk to one of my best friends all day. ;_;


And for P.E. the boy's locker room has gotten rid of their lockers (Then why is it called a locker room still? :P) and are gtting newer ones. In the mean time, we have minimal work to do.


And that's about it.


Oh, randomly; if you search 'Kopaka' on Google Images, one of my old Kopaka drawings is on the first page. Which reminds me, I really should get back to work on actually drawing...


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Hey, cool. I take graphic design too. Just completed my first assignment two days ago. I like it. You?

I am not quite sure yet. :P But I know it has quite a bit to do with drawing and computers, both of which I can work well enough with. Right now we are simply working on simplifying complex pictures for the use in logos and such. As simple as it seems, it is rather difficult to simplify whatever I draw because it's already simple enough. :P


Whoa, I used the base 'simple' around five times in two sentences. =O

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Lucky. I went back on the 7th. :(


"I want to burn you and your family when you do stuff like that..."






Po... I think you need to call the police... :P


That's nice having something of yours on the front page of something. It's cool. :P And if you search "Torhuki", there's two of my pictures, and a zillion of yours. Weird.



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