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My Lego... And I'm Keeping It.



Well, the new version of My Lego is up, so I can start collecting again. This time, I will take precautions not to invite some friends over to my side of the board, 'cause so many of them just dropped me in the last version. If they want to be my friends, fine, but ask. Even in this new version, people are pig-headed enough to reject a request for a friend. This isn't like other social networks where somebody may find out who you are and begin to stalk you based on what you have in your account... but whatever, people just don't like the sly grin on my minifigure avatar. Those skull dudes are just so much more trustworthy.


I never got too far on the beta version... I got stuck needed a drone bee and nobody ever clicked on the module to challenge me for one. I asked plenty of people... even sent them the stuff they needed to challenge me. Pigheaded ones took the bee and ran... a few spared me a click or two on the wrong module. Only one person actually challenged me... and won, so I didn't get anything out of it. But this time I have a secret weapon that'll assure me at least one friend. It's called "MNOLG Account #2"... back when you could only play the game once per account. Account still exists, and now it's one of my friends. Any guesses which it is? :sly:


Now I just have to wait a few days for my tree to start growing some red bricks, and then I'll be moving up in levels that I could never reach on the beta version. If you want to be my friend, my account is xccj01. I'll accept you and even give you clicks... but if you drop me for no good reason, don't expect to be comin' on back for more clickies.


In other news... and this is just as bad...




My gosh, and you thought you'd seen mutants before.


ToM just posted a great review on Hahli M., and he got one thing right. Those nasty limbs break real quick like. Her hands are now snapped, and her other limbs are cracking... if I try to disassemble her, she's going to blow. :o Thus, she's turning into a rather pathetic model, as I don't have spare limbs to beef her up. So I did what I could. She can't hold her talon anymore with a hand, so I connected it to her arm in a similiar fashion as I did with Jaller... although I used rods instead of Cordak ammo for her. The other arm was boring, as her Cordak was in Dekar's hands. I was thinking about what to add to it when I tripped over Fenny's body. So now she's got Fenrakk's head on the end of her arm, and it'll gobble up any Barraki she comes upon.


The rest of her is unchanged, mostly because I didn't have enough pieces at the time to rebuild her. Sure, I could've tried, but I didn't.


Chew on that for now.




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