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The Happenings Of Late

Cap'n Tek



Ah, so much has happened recently. We had somewhat a belated Christmas Vacation, so, that's why Sunny and I have been off for the past week or so... Here's a quick splash as to what has happened since my last Blog post.

  • Christmas (Dec. 25)

--I got Super Paper Mario and a Subscription to Brick Master. (Yes, I have beat Super Paper Mario)

My Birthday (Dec. 31)

--I'm Now an official AFoL! (AKA: I turned 18)

---I got an iPod, Brain Age 2 (For my DS) a Wii Nunchuck, duck tape, and a few other things

We Left on our Trip (Jan. 3)

--My dad was asked to do a wedding about 10 hours away, so we packed up and left to get there for the rehersal and then the wedding that happened later on that week.

Wedding Rehearsal (Jan. 4th)The Actual Wedding (Jan 5th)

--It was awesome, very God Honoring, as it was supposed to be, and very fun as well. During the Reception, I found a few people I knew. It was quite Fun. Oh, and when the Bride and Groom left the Brother of the groom and a bunch of other guys Silly String'd the couple--the Groom was totally covered. It was awesome. 6 cans of silly string on one guy...

Met Up with Some Old Friends (Jan. 6)

--After the Sunday Service (We stayed and went to the Church the wedding was in), we met up with the parents of some friends of ours. We were Missionaries in Germany at the same time these people were missionaries in Germany, and we knew them quite well. Anyway, the parents told us that after leaving Germany the family had moved just an hour or so away from where we were. So off we went to visit them. After the visit we went back to the hotel where I beat Super Paper Mario.

Went to the Creation Museum! (Jan. 7)

--About 4 years ago, we toured the Creation Museum while it was still under construction. Now, it's been open for about 1/2 a year. It was quite awesome. It really was. If you ever get a chance I suggest you go. Oh, and after that night we went to a Toys 'R' Us, and I picked up Lewa, Pohatu, Tanma, Photok, and Ignika. Yeah, cool stuff.

We Went to the Creation Museum--again! (Jan. 8)

Yeah, we went to the Museum again--this time we did some things we hadn't done yet--and we toured the Staff areas--due to some connections we have. Yeah, It was awesome to see some sneak peaks and stuff. After we finished everthign there we were back on the road--headed for home. (Oh, and we stopped by a target on the way and my little Bros bought a bunch of LEGO stuff.)

We stopped by our Cousins' (Jan. 9)

--We arrived at our Cousins' Church/School in the mid-afternoon, it was cool to see where their new ministry is and to get a tour of their Church. After that we went to their house, they have an awesome house with a great view. it was fun seeing them again.

We got home (Jan. 10)

--Well, I guess it was technically last night we arrived... but it was after 12 AM so, yeah it was today. After we got home and got Aslan (our Dog) and unloaded our Van we all settled in for a good night's rest. Seriously there is nothing so nice as to resting after a week-long road trip. It was fun and all, but I'm glad to be back. this morning, we've all been building LEGO. Sooner or later I'll get to writing a few reviews of some of the sets I got. We'll see... But for now I'm just relaxing...


And so ended this section of Tek's journey. "Boy that sure was Fun," Sunny remarked as the two laid back on the couches. Tek just nodded and was soon asleep with all kinds of thoughts floating around in his head as to what's coming next adventure...


Eh... Heh, too much Paper Mario?




Recommended Comments

Super Paper Mario is ownage, especially the side story even though it gets a little obvious near the end but having it all come together was awesome.


And all the spoofs rocked.

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