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A Rambling Entry That Goes All Over The Map.

Metallic O'Dalek


Cheese is a tasty dish. It is smiled upon in most societies. Cheese was first invented when some guy in some country discovered how to make a tasty food out of a hog's head. It was later discovered by the Department of Health, and outlawed in most countries, including South Antarctica, where the only fresh meat was penguins. The South Antarcticans, however, found a way to make cheese out of the milk from Penguins, and advertised it as "Cow Cheese" to avoid being banned. They were later found out, but couldn't be exiled to some forsaken place, because they were already at the most forsaken-est place they could be, except the moon, but that's made out of cheese, so it wouldn't work. Because of this, they were exe-cuted, meaning they were launched into a pile of Pugs. Speaking of pugs, pugs are a cute type of dogs, which earned their name from being ferociously cute. Pug comes from "Pugno", which is "I fight". Speaking of Latin, did you know that Latin originated in Rome? Rome is a beutiful city, and New York is a city too. New York has the Statue of Liberty, which is in the trailer for Cloverfield. Did you know Cloverfield is coming out on the Eighteenth? Apparently, it's a War of the Worlds Rip-off, War of the worlds was written by H.G. Wells, who also wrote The time machine. He is also associated with Jules Verne, who wrote Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea, and Journey to the Center of the Earth. I like Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. I really like the movie. Did you know that I'm done now?


Don't even try and make sense of that.


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Could you host those on B-Shelf, by any chance? My dad won't unblock Photobucket for me.

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