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Tuesday = Pure Anger At Everyone, Every Teacher, Every Person

- Icy J -


I had an absolutey AWFUL day.


First up was art. You might think Art's okay, and it is. But today, we had to attempt to copy a Picasso. Put off? I certainly was.


Next was history. That was okay, but we had to write an ESSAY! AN ESSAY AND IT'S ONLY THE SECOND WEEK BACK!


But worse was to come. In English, we spent the whole lesson doing "quiet reading" and naturally, I got bored. I took out the script I wrote for Drama, which was the next lesson (which me and my friends would have to perform). And it was on my lap, and guess what the teacher did? SHE CONFISCATED IT! AAAARRRGGGHHH! And my script was the 'master' script, the one with all the lighting and edits! At lunchtime, we had to frantically edit all the other scripts.


And in Drama, we had to perform to another class. It wasn't so bad, but when we were rehearsing, one absolutely (insert swearword here) person in my group kept peeking at his script cause he "couldn't remember his lines". So we "confiscated" his script.


And when I got home, I got really frustrated.


My mum threw all my canisters out. Including the ones containing pieces and instruction booklets.





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Quiet readings? Duh, you put a book on your lap to make it look like you're reading, and then close your eyes and take a nap. Unless you start snoring, you should get away with it. If the teacher pesters you, you have the book and everything to back up your alibi.



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Quiet readings? Duh, you put a book on your lap to make it look like you're reading, and then close your eyes and take a nap. Unless you start snoring, you should get away with it. If the teacher pesters you, you have the book and everything to back up your alibi.




I prefer not to sleep in class. :P

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Dang, all your spare pieces and your instructions? Glad my mam isn't like that, she checks first ;) guess it becomes a habit after 5 or so years


Did you get your script back?

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Dang, all your spare pieces and your instructions? Glad my mam isn't like that, she checks first ;) guess it becomes a habit after 5 or so years


Did you get your script back?



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wow. You really had a bad day. But well nearly everyone in my class keeps peeking at their script cause they can't remember their lines. And did you get your cans back?

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wow. You really had a bad day. But well nearly everyone in my class keeps peeking at their script cause they can't remember their lines. And did you get your cans back?


1: We were performing to another class, so no scripts were allowed.


And my canisters got thrown away.

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wow. My mom once threw out all my bohrok cans, but they were mepty. lol. And I get the same during drama. In my group im the only one who has enuff common sense to go over my lines and memorize them.

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