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Typing Start - 10:22 PM


I'll be honest...


The word 'echo' has been driving me crazy these past few weeks. I find myself whispering the word to myself every five minutes, and repeating it in my mind for hours afterward.


It's turned into my mantra, and I have no idea what it means.


A new character? Maybe.


In my desperation to stop my obsession with 'echo', I tried to create characters based on the word last night: I now have a robin-hood-esque mercenary, a shaman, a government experiment, and a crazed combination of all three previous ideas in my books. No dice. The word still haunts me.


I googled 'echo'.


Got some software.


Got some hardware.


Got some gardening supplies. Nothing.


Wiki'd 'echo'.






Looked up the science of acoustics.


Studied Greek and Roman history.




Maybe it's connected to something philosophical? Maybe I'm referring to the fact that I'm just an echo of who I used to be? An echo of the power I once wielded? An echo of my fame? An echo of -- ? Nah. Can't be philosophical.


Maybe I just like the sound and how it feels when I say it. Too primitive.


Maybe I'm just insane. Sounds logical.




It still echoes in my mind... Why this fixation?


It seems that I am doomed to pursue the answer until I go totally and truly mad.


End Typing - 10:42


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