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A Dangerous Mix Of Things



So, as the title tells, this entry will include a mixture of a few things, the first being some updates on school, second being updates on movies, third being updates on love, fourth on training, and fifth being just a random "grab bag" where you can ask about anything you want, because I'm here to listen.


Ok, so first of all, school still = lame.... it is getting better though. My Mom actually got me a stress ball, which was quite the funny moment! :lol: My friends are scared because they think I'm going to commit suicide from all the stress I guess?


Movies..... there is only one I want to see, and you know what that is.... Cloverfield! I can only hope that it will live up to all this high energy. I hope it actually has a plot, and just isn't some random horror movie...


Love is a tricky thing. I've been on this wild earth for almost 15 years by this February, and I still have no girl. Amazing, as I'm the school playa, and have many girls who are friends, yet have no idea how to actually to ask a girl out. Many a girl have asked me out, but I freeze up for some reason.


Yay! I have a six pack finally! It took only a year of hard work, and nasty food to do it. :lol: Let's just hope I can keep it!


Yes, so ask me anything else! :D


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I've no girl either, but you've still got a year on me...


I've never been asked out either. The girls in my school leave it to the guys to ask them out.

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Was the movie any good? And -- pardon my asking -- but what the heck was the big thing they were running from? Godzilla?


Oh, it's not so bad. I don't have a girlfriend either, though I have been going to movies and games with this one girl . . . whoops, almost revealed something there!



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Well, school is never to much fun, but it has its moments. Cloverfield looks to be awesome, it has a good plot, and JJ Abrams (the screenwriter of Lost) said that it is an original creation, it has to be good if he is working on it, its going to be good.

Girls aren't a problem for me, I'm a natural Playa. A 6 pack? Lucky. . .


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Cloverfield isn't out yet. It comes out the 18th, and J.J Abrams said it will not be Godzilla. He said a monster that will be insane and intense. :blink:



EDIT: Wait, you've seen Cloverfield, BD?!




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Cloverfield isn't out yet. It comes out the 18th, and J.J Abrams said it will not be Godzilla. He said a monster that will be insane and intense. :blink:



EDIT: Wait, you've seen Cloverfield?!




Okay, excuse my asking. Well, Blue Diamond, here's a question for you: How are your WIPs doing?



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If it makes you feel any better, I don't have a girlfriend either.



That's the funniest thing I've heard all week! :P


Were all geeks and nerds 'cause we can't get girls


Oh, I'm no nerd. A common mistake thought of by people who collect Binoicles. That is the only reason why I can not tell anyone, because I would't be popular anymore....


It's nothing to feel bad about. At all. I don't have one, nor do I want one...




Yeh, me neither at the time.... to much school work. :P


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I'm not saying we're nerds or anything, probably no one here is, but girls are very challenging......

I am :P.


Girls confuse me to no end, and yet, most of my friends are girls....


Are you MOCing Draxon?



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I asked a girl out yesterday and she said we can go see Cloverfield today :D . I am not a nerd, at least not a big one. I'm more of the smart one who loves sports and Bionicles but has more of a social life than an academic one :].


EDIT: It also helps that I broke my arm :].

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Are you MOCing Draxon?

Who, Me?


I guessing me meant ~BD~. :)





Draxon, you are correct. You don't have to answer, BD, I saw the answer, yes, in your Lewa topic.



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