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I Could Write Something



But there's nothing exciting going on and life's pretty busy.


So hai


-Exo (awesome)


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I think we should combine games, add in some exciting elements.





...maybe not.

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I haven't updated my blog in 10 days. I wonder if you can be arrested for "blog abuse"? Maybe in the future. I predict blogs will form into sentient beings, and we're all screwed if we don't update them, feed them every day. Sorta like Neopets. Which I absolutely hate. I made an account there, just to see my Neopet die. So you may now officially hate my soulless self.

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I haven't updated my blog in 10 days. I wonder if you can be arrested for "blog abuse"? Maybe in the future. I predict blogs will form into sentient beings, and we're all screwed if we don't update them, feed them every day. Sorta like Neopets. Which I absolutely hate. I made an account there, just to see my Neopet die. So you may now officially hate my soulless self.

The poor Neopet.... *Sob* How ... could ... you-hoo-hoo...? :crying: I hope blogs never become living beings, I don't want you to abuse it....





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I haven't updated my blog in 10 days. I wonder if you can be arrested for "blog abuse"? Maybe in the future. I predict blogs will form into sentient beings, and we're all screwed if we don't update them, feed them every day. Sorta like Neopets. Which I absolutely hate. I made an account there, just to see my Neopet die. So you may now officially hate my soulless self.

Congratulations. Those stupid things deserve it.




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So, I'm Exo M7, as evidenced by the fact that my screen name is Exo M7. Or maybe it's my real name. YOU NEVER KNOW. The last thing this world needs is a blog by me, something which I am free to spam up and completely destroy all your lives (your head explode!) and rant about pie (3.14). Of course, it's spelled "pi". I think it's Greek. I wonder what Greeks said when they didn't understand something. "It's all German to me!" Of course, Germany as we know it didn't really exist at the time of the ancient Greeks, so maybe they said "It's all Aramabainakootlababi to me!". I also wonder when the first pie was created. It was probably some guy named the Earl of Pie, who didn't want to stop being stupid during a game of cards, so he said "Make something and name it after me, you poor pathetic mortal! DANCE FOR ME LITTLE MAN, DANCE!" Maybe that's why you never hear of the Earl of Pie today. Yeah. That's probably it.

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