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" I Feel Like Blogging, " He Said.

Metallic O'Dalek


"I feel like blogging," he said.


"I feel like blogging," he said. And so he did. He typed up the site, and he logged in too. He hit "My Blog" and he hit "Add entry". He typed all day, and next morning too, he typed all through night, never stopping to eat. He typed the next day away, too. He typed and he typed, being latefor school didn't matter, he blew it up with a nuke, anyway. He typed and he typed, with one stop to drink, he typed and he typed, some more. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, but he would not stop. Could not stop. Months turned to years, years to centuries, centuries to milleniums, milleniums to who-knows-whats. He just went on typing, through thirst or snow. Not even a flood, not even a louse or a mouse, would stop this lad. He typed, and he typed, and he typed some more. By the end of it all, he came up with this.


End of impromptu story writing session. :P


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