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Gonna Grumble Again...



Warning, minor rant ahead.


The Piraka torso fails. Even the Metru torso was better. Y'know why? Depth. The Metru torso was fairly thick from front to back, giving it a much better look than the Piraka/Inika/Mahri torsos that so plague sets these days.


So it seems that the Bionicle universe is full of wide-shouldered, thin-limbed, paper-torsoed apes.


This fails.


Lego, get some set designers with some knowledge of anatomy.


And, while I'm at it, get some who know how to do functions properly.


[opinion]And get better focus groups.[/opinion]





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i agree, it seems that these days the torso is not the primary focus... its how can we use the least plastic. maybe lego should get their act together and return us the thick torso's we deserve (and i don't mean put an inika covering over it!). as for hte focus group... it's probably the same 10 8 year olds hyped up on sugar and attracted to bright colors (looks at orange on pohatu) and simple pieces.

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What do you mean you don't like kids who think everything has to have a huge gun?[/sarcasm]


I agree, for the most part.

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Yay! Someone who doesn't like the wide shouldered, no depth Piraka/Inika torsos!


I agree with you. I was about to comment on proportions in my blog, so I think I'll link to your blog.


The Piraka torsos actually work fine, IMO, on titans (see Brutaka).

True, once you add armor on. But he reuses the torso, instead of (like Maxilos) having his own body.

(Even the 04-05 titans had their own bodies)



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Wasn't the whole thing [opinion]?


Yeah, Piraka torsos were OK, but only on the Piraka. And that was because their spines filled in all that empty space on the back.


And I'm really annoyed that they're constantly re-using the same torso pieces for the last three years. It's starting to get boring and annoying. The Phantoka Makuta are a step forward, at least in that respect (and a couple others). The Toa Newva, though, are a step backwards. :(

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At the end of the day, you have to realize that these are not human. That means they don't have to look anthing like them...


So if humans were squat and thin bodied, would you then want the sets to be the same because that's what humans look like?


Half the stuff the toa and matoran etc. do anyway isn't human at all, so why should the bodies be?

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I've been saying, Lego needs an aesthetics/storyline consultant on the set design team. Someone who would point out the extremely obvious facts that, for example, torsoes fifteen studs wide (or, even eleven, for that matter) and two deep just do not work, or that red, lime green, and dark blue clash horrendously, or perhaps even that red axles ruin everything.


The storyline part is so, perhaps, the sets would not have such inexplicable flaws as (to name just one) Kopaka, Pohatu, and quite possibly all the other Nuva's eyes changing to lime green when all they did was put on some armor.


(Ah, how I love litotes.)

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Of course then there's the people who like the lime/blue color scheme and especially like that Lego is experimenting with the colors.. >.>


Other than that, I agree with ToM.

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