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Who doesn't like the bohrok? It's the Kal people are supposed to hate.

Although, clone sets are looking more and more preferable every year.


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Who doesn't like the bohrok? It's the Kal people are supposed to hate.

Although, clone sets are looking more and more preferable every year.


I, um, like the Kal, too...


The reason is pretty simple. Clone sets have the same parts in six colors. 'Nuff said.




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I've always liked the Bohrok. And the Kal. Clone sets that all look great are better than individual sets where more than half look terrible. -_-
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I've always liked the Bohrok. And the Kal. Clone sets that all look great are better than individual sets where more than half look terrible. -_-

And when you add functions into the mix....


Bohrok > 2008 sets


There. I said it. =O

And you're right, too.




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gear action, see though visor, new eyes, various parts in different colors, and tranformation mode... what's not to love? we all love them, wheter you will admit it or not!!!!

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What a coincidence! I liked the Bohrok!


Oh, and Bohrok > 2008 Sets. Well, some of them. The not half-bad ones.


Too bad I only got three Bohrok and one Kal. Lehvak Kal is awesome, though. I think they're still constructed somewhere with my '01-'03 sets...

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I just hate the Kal.






Sorry, I just don't like the Kal. The Bohrok are cool though.


And I apologize, I didn't realize that I said that as rudely as I did. o_0 Sorry.

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Who doesn't?


I liked the Kal, mainly for their pieces. But I don't think I'd like it if they did a third line of recolored Bohrok.

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Man bro, the Bohrok own the past four year's sets. Every single one.

I find it interesting how so many people dislike the stuff that Lego spews out these days, but Lego still doesn't get better.




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2002=best year for Bionicle.


And I've previously voiced my thoughts of Bionicle getting better/worse. I think.


2002 just won. Pure and simple.

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I, um, like the Kal, too...

Really now? The proportions were hideous. I mean, the body was longer than it was wide, the shoulders and hips connected at very close points, and the head was simply huge. The torso parts were reused on all of the Kal and all of the Bohrok. I mean, you got 24 of basically the same piece, in 12 colors. Apparenlty that's so much better than 36 Metru hips and over-wide shoulder variations in a number of colors. Plus, they look like a four-year-old decided to draw beetles.


...I just don't get your reasoning. Functions and rolling into balls don't make up for all that, do they? I mean, Pohatu would be considered half-good then. A third wave? Oh my. They'd never meet today's set standards. Now, good revamps with set functions and rolling capability would be neat. Maybe in more colors.

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