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Flames Of The Dragon



So I've been completing a few of my MOCs on the "To do List", with Lewa being both a suprise to me, and a big sucess. It still urks me that I have yet to come up with a proper waist or foot design that is satisfying to people. Not to metion that I need a few new shoulder designs.... I'm getting better on the legs though. I've also been thinking on posting my Spinax and Maxilos revamp, but I think I'll keep them a secret till later in the year....


On the point of long term projects, I need to finish up Draxon by next week, so I can get ER finished too for their rewards. Ballom is going to be quite the difficult piece or work, because he insists that his armor be speckled gold from the KK set. :P Not only that, but I have to finish my BOM Challenge entry before March. I plan on saving the bohrak for late Spring... I want it to be perfect..... As for the Bahrag, taking it down for pieces = bad idea! :(


I've also been slowly working on the Kanohi Dragon.... don't expect him any time soon though.... :sly:


February's contest should be Win from what Tuffy has been saying.... I can't wait to see what the theme is! It's also the month when I turn 15! :D


P.S. for some reason ToM has gotten me interested in Latin!


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My MoC of you is going to be my best MoC so far. I love it! I just need to make the other leg and spiffy him up and I will be posting him next week.


You changed the Blog quite a bit, dark purple looks good.

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Hey, you changed the name and color scheme of your blog. Now I have to spend a minute adjusting a content block in my blog. *Grumbles*


Anyway. Why don't you use the traditional waist design? Two, or three, hand pieces? Have you tried using KK shoulder armor? Man, I really wanted to see M&S. True, I did kinda forget about them, though. :pale:


Draxon's almost done, already? Wows. I take it you don't have that KK armor. Poor BD :P. Meh, the BOM MOC shouldn't take to long. Will it? I can't wait for your Bohrok. Can you at least tell which breed it is? Did Gahdok die?


You're working on a Kanohi Dragon? I didn't know that.


Next month is going to own. This time, I'm gonna win! Unless someone else does......


The only kind of Latin I can understand is Pig Latin :P.



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Latin? How did I do that? Still is a swell language, though; if you want to learn it I would definitely recommend that you do...


*hates pig Latin with an undying passion* :P

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You forgot to add Seran, Aklan, & (me) to your list :D



Thanks for the approval!


My MoC of you is going to be my best MoC so far. I love it! I just need to make the other leg and spiffy him up and I will be posting him next week.


You changed the Blog quite a bit, dark purple looks good.


That sounds good. :)


I just made this today, so... blogapproval.jpg


I can't wait for you to make me! I'm Keet-orange :P.


Thanks, oops.... I made you blue..... Jk! :P


Hey, you changed the name and color scheme of your blog. Now I have to spend a minute adjusting a content block in my blog. *Grumbles*


Draxon's almost done, already? Wows. I take it you don't have that KK armor. Poor BD :P. Meh, the BOM MOC shouldn't take to long. Will it? I can't wait for your Bohrok. Can you at least tell which breed it is? Did Gahdok die?


The only kind of Latin I can understand is Pig Latin :P.



Tee hee... I did that on purpose... :P


Nope, don't have the armor yet! :o And it's the black breed, because I wanted the colors to flow...



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Latin? How did I do that? Still is a swell language, though; if you want to learn it I would definitely recommend that you do...


*hates pig Latin with an undying passion* :P


Yeh, I heard you talk about it in the blog, so I did some research, and it's a good way to come uo with names for my chracters in the epic I'm writting. :lol:

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