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Sugar From The Sky



For the last two days I was on leave because I was on a winter snow camp. (For those in the BSA, you know it as Klondike.) 'Twas great fun, seeing as I was not running around solving puzzles and was instead a staffer. So, I was just sitting around grading people for throwing snowballs out of a lacrosse stick in my station instead of getting soaked, cold and miserable (as T 404 has a gift at doing xD). Plus, I had a hot lunch cooked for me as opposed to sitting on a tarp eating cups of noodles.


My station was the Scout Spirit Test. We had three activities which patrols rotated in, one being the group ski which held four people who needed to work as a team to walk a distance with their feet strapped to the skis; the radioactive isotope transfer, which featured a can and ropes tied to a thick rubber band and the patrol leader had to direct his blindfolded patrolies to stretch the band around the can without tipping it; and my place was watching over the snowball catapult, which boasted a lacrosse stick and a box (the goal was to make at least one snowball get into the box using the stick --without damaging the box-- in twelve shots).



My troop was supposed to build two igloos, but the only one that was completed was the adult one. The junior igloo was abandoned after we discovered a defect in our kit, and we just tossed a tarp over it, christening it a "tarploo."



So, even though I was soaked on the outside, I was never that cold and was never close to miserable. Fun stuff, I tell ya'.




So this morning, when I looked out the window, I was glad I was not at Klondike anymore, having had my months full of snow and ice. What greeted me when I looked outside? Why, nothing other than snow falling from the heavens. Rolling my eyes, I sighed and got up, my legs still sore from working in the snow two days earlier.


On that topic, we now have about two inches of snow on the ground and counting.



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