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I Am Powerpoint Mapmaker




I may be the only person on Earth with this job.

I have/am getting a new task as part of my newspaper delivery job that I can get paid for. It's a great example of irony, because I am now making maps for the deliverers with Powerpoint. It's like the fusion of the main character of my Paracosmos RPG -- a Ta-Koronan mapmaker -- with my coolified artwork, and real life. XD

I had made one for our own half-a-zip-code a while back and just revamped it, that shows easy-to-read dots for the DNDs and VIPs (Do Not Delivers and Very Important People/Persons/Whatever). It's easy to update in Powerpoint when we get new DNDs/VIPs, and has a section to keep track of the mileage on the cars for tax purposes.

So a week or so ago I showed it to my bosses, and they liked it so much they want me to make maps for other sections of the city, possibly even the whole city eventually. We haven't yet figured out what my pay will be; obviously it will be less than a professional 'cuz I'm using Powerpoint, heh.

Downside for you guys is, it'll take a lot of time I won't be spending on BZP or writing my epic, working on the RPG, etc. But it's only temporary, most likely, since once I have each map done I'll give the files to my bosses or the other deliverers with easy instructions on adding new dots.

In other news: Many thanks to Toaraga for awarding me the Blog of the Week on Sunday! :D I enjoyed the article, too. And thanks to everyone who has congratsed me. :)


Recommended Comments

Well, I'm not surprised they picked you. Who else can draw that well on Powerpoint? :) Anyways, congrats -- no, double congrats. ;)


~Doc C.

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