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And a drawing too.


Well, to start off, I love wire sculpture, started last year actually, near the end of eighth grade, we did a wire sculpture project, and I loved it.


I made a dragon, and this one is sturdier than my later ones being that it has a thick wire skeleton, like, a different wire than the colorful kind I used for the outside, strong wire.


I made a basic wireframe off of the skeleton then simply wound more wire around it. It originally could stand on its own, but it got a bit messed up so it's got a support now. It still CAN, but not easily.


So, on to the pics:

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After that, I made a bunch of wee mini dragons, no frame, just solid wire.

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This little guy was the first one of the minis I made, using leftover wire from the larger dragon, and like its daddy, this guy has absolutely no color scheme

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The first color-schemed one I ever made. Made during lunch in the cafeteria, again with leftover wire, but I was selective about the colors.

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I liked that little guy so much I naturally had to make 4 clones of him.

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Most recently, I made a Chinese dragon, I love it but I have close to no red wire left.

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At one point I also made a bunch of critters out of only one wire. From left to right, starting in the top row:

A hand, a duck/goose (dunno which it resembles more), a dog, a fox, and a snake.

In the next row, an identical snake to the first one, a bunny, a simple winged dragon, and a frog.

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I love making wire hands, I don't know why.

In this shot, left to right, starting in the top row: some creepy crawling guy I've dubbed "Gollum," a bat and a dolphin since I forgot them in the previous shot. On the next row, a hand, and a cooler hand with a bit of arm.

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A campfire I made for no apparent reason.

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A hand also made for no apparent reason.

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A KauKau. If there's an "other" or "sculpture" category in the next AC, I'm entering wire!

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Several more critters, a bigger bunny, a bird, and a fish that I really don't like.

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Finally, a personal favorite, a screaming head. It's hard to tell from the front view that that's what it is.

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So here's a side view, you can see the expression much better.

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And finally, something random thrown in 'cuz it's also art, a big ol' greusome drawing of a dragon eating some poor soul's arm.




It wasn't my idea, I was wondering what to draw in drawing class one day and Poli suggests "Why don't you draw a dragon eating somebody."


So I did. Still WIP, BTW.

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The guy under the claw was just a doodle, he's going to be erased in the final.


And that's all. =D


I might post a topic for this in CoT but I don't see why since I already got this entry...


--Lyger (since I used up the allotted image amount and can't post the signoff image)


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