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Hi, Guys!

Dr. Bionicle


Okay, yes, I did kind of disappear and haven't really had any contact with BZPower in forever.


So I guess some of you (BZPRPers, especially) are wondering where the cow I've been.


Well... uh...


Let's just say that my social life has greatly improved over the past year. Despite the fact that the learner's permit severely limits my driving skillz, my life has become saturated with... well... life.


And also, you guys know that novel I've been talking about?


Yeah, I'm still working on that.


But that DOESN'T mean I've forgotten this place... not at all. In fact, I've been wanting to get back onto this place, but I've been afraid that with my bogged schedule, any toe in the water would end up getting me drawn back in and I wouldn't be able to commit any time here.


Well, a few things drew me back.


First of all, I miss the darn place. This is the haven of my nerdity, and you can bet I miss that.


Second of all, I know that Smeag's probably going to cut my throat if I don't get back here for the BZPRPG, and I figured that I'd probably get something slapped on me for being gone so long (dig the new banner).


And thirdly, well, I figure if I stay away too long, some of you guys are going to forget about me.


So here I am!


Let's see what I can do about this blog...




Oh, wait, I need to do stuff first.






Well, when I do, I'll be back.


Till then...



Dr. Bionicle




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Please, this time in the BZPRPG, don't get a press conference started then leave for a few months again. XD


And nice banner, hehe.

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


To put how long you've been gone, I have to put it in understandable terms:


In thet time that you were gone, I've become popular.




Welcome back. :D

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And thirdly, well, I figure if I stay away too long, some of you guys are going to forget about me.


Actually, I did forget about you :unsure:.

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Doc, I'ma gonna cut your throat. ;)

Give us the corpse. Us Zyglak have plans with it.


*hides satanic ritual book*

Don't forget the pentagrams!


*goes off to murder Zephyr*

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