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More Comic News.



First of all, a new content block was added.


Now for the main point of this entry. I mentioned making an epic and a comic. Since you guys already know what the epic is about, I thought I will tell you the subject of the comic now.


Anyway, if I get around to making it (Yes, I can be very lazy :P ), it will be about... a lot of things. Basically, the idea is that there will be a "saga" of sorts, with a few comics for each. I only thought of the first so far, though. I don't want to ruin the surprise, so I'll just reveal the following. The current title I have in mind is "The new employee". And it's going to involve a Piraka.


I know, it sounds like a common comedy idea, doesn't it? But I'm hoping it's not going to turn out that way. :lol:


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I never thought I would see the words "good" and "pun" together in the same sentence. :lol: Thanks.


Yes, I am looking forward to when I begin work on the comic. But I'll need to acquire the right "materials" first. :rolleyes:

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