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Summer Slowness

Dr. Bionicle


Well, I was talking with SPIRIT not too long ago about the next episode of Treespeak on the Air (Yes, it hasn't died!), which has been surprislingy less of a conflict than other episodes, despite the fact we have four people from four different countries on the show (USA, Canada, Australia, and China). Timezones within the USA have been complicating enough, it's surprising to work out international time zones so quickly.


Anyhow, it turns out that the timezone difference results in me getting up at 7:00 AM.


I'm gonna have to be honest. I haven't willingly gotten up at 7:00 or any earlier all summer, which is surprising for me. Usually, I have no problem with getting up early.


But of course, I also have no problem with staying up late.


This combination often leads to a sleep-deprived Doc.


But throughout the summer, I've found myself actually going to bed at times my parents actually agree with. And even when I stay up late, I sleep till ten. I've been sleeping in for a while.


Part of the reason is because I've been having a very packed summer: band camps, church events, mission trips, and the choir tour to Montana. And throughout all that, it's meant getting up early and staying up late. I've been something of a zombie, making me grumpy and a bit unsocial.


And now I'm feeling much better. More cheerful, more energetic, the like.




School's gonna hit me like a brick wall when it starts up again. And that results in another grumpy Doc.


I really need to start getting up early again, but I don't want to set an alarm clock because that'll wake up other people in the house, which is the last thing anyone else needs.


I guess I sound depressed, which I'm not.


Just like any other American.


Wanting to eat, sleep, and have fun.



Dr. Bionicle

1 Comment

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Hehe. That was awesome. Interesting episode too...what with Spirit's definition of MOC and all.


Wow...band and choir. Musical man, eh?

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