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Aparently The Others Were't Last Words



Dear BZP Staff:

What's the big idea? Someone complains about a problem- banned. Someone tries to prove a point- banned. Someone tries to help- banned. Banned members don't even get recognition afterwards.

"Hey, you remember that guy who said _________?"

"Yeah, he was really right."

"I know. We should-"


*topic closed/deleted*


And not just banned members. Dead members, too.

Some of you may have heard of the tragic loss of Beliwa, a BZP member who died about a week and a half ago. After only several pages of a memorial topic, it was closed. Why? Why extinguish the memory of one who should not be forgotten? Really, what happens now? What will Beliwa become? Nobody. Just that one sick kid who died. Soon he won't even be that.

"You ever hear of Beliwa?"




And what will become of me? I will disappear. I'll become whatshisface. I will have died on BZPower.


Just to prove a point.


And the fact that you're already forgetting me is proving that point right now. You don't want me remembered because I'm right. And you know it.


BZP, you sicken me.

- Doctor Norik


P.S. The word filter's too strict, too.

P.P.S. Oh, and none of these are Zonis' opinions.


And if this is closed, it's just proveing his point.


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Never mind, you're not listening to what I'm saying. Please deleat my posts please and continue on with you rant.



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That's not the point. the Point is that he Tried to prove a point, and he gets banned. If a member hand an opinion other then the staff, banned. Ii'm starting to see where they're getting this from.
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The last post there proved my point. If BZP let members give opionis on how to make the site better, and took some, members would enjoy the site more. That's all I'm saying.
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NORRRIKKKK :D Seriously, he posted a few spam topics, and then gets banned for it? Seriously, they weren't that bad....



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Yeah, and he gets banned for it??


Alot of members were LOVING those topics. Seriously, tons of people were posting in them.



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As I had emphasized in one of DN's topics, perspective. We all see things differently. You see yourself as being right, but others will see you as wrong. Given the rant posted here, you truly believe yourself to be right, and I bear no animosity against it, but no respect, either. Resume to prove a point if you wish, but be ready to face countless different views, both supporting and opposing you.


Edit: MF, DN is speaking, albeit indirectly. He is listening. I will, however, apologize for the lack of this statement, given the fact I dislike burdening others.



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