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Quit Posing As Me



I want to complain about and to someone pretending to be me. First off, quit trying to look like me because you're not! It irritates me that no matter what I wear, he copies me, especially since I like to be original, but if he copies me, what's the point? Can you imagine my dismay when I make a face and this guy makes the exact same face as if to mock me. Gah, I'm so flustered about this horrid knock-off, I can't even think clearly.


You know what, person in the mirror, just stop it already! :angry:


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


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I have the same problem. Their was even one time that I tried to punch him, but he read my mind and punched at me too. We ended up breaking some expensive glass or something. I had cut an artery and had to be rushed to the emergency room, where they put me on oxygen and defibrillated me, then gave me a blood transfusion, and I had to pay about fifty dollars to replace what I broke, but at least the guy was gone! :D

Not really.


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