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Toa Neya


A few days ago, I finally finished this year's equivalent of a science fair at my school, which we did as a Mythbusters. We tested if you could drop an egg in a cornstarch paste and not have it break. The egg didn't break at 3 feet, 12 feet, or 19 feet, so we confirmed the myth.


And I'm pretty sure I and my group got an A...but only time will tell.


Also, this year, before I went premier, I went to a Math contest, and only missed one question on the individual test, at a 29/30. But what do you know, Windows on the processing computer didn't include my name, so the only medal I got that day was for being the top individual on my team. Yesterday, however, after math practice for my team, my coach, after telling the people who did the awards about the mistake, I finally got said award, which was for being in the second place individual group. All's well that ends well, eh?


Also, on Valentines day, I'm going on a school ski trip, shortly afterwards then going to another math contest. Wish me luck, and that the Yeti or problem #21 doesn't get me. :lol:


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: B) :voyanui:


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You accually did a science experment Mythbusters-style? That's cool! B) You should have pulled an Adam and try it at 40 feet, just to make the egg explode...


Good luck with the math competition. :)

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Yeah- one more thing. I didn't have enough resources (the 19 foot drop was out my room's window, on the second story,) and since I've only watched one Mythbusters (the hammer drop one that my science teacher showed us to help us see how the pros do it and get into the feel of Mythbusting.)


So you can see why I couldn't pull this "Adam" you speak of, and that I don't know what the heck that is in the first place...


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: I am getting a passion for blogging... :voyanui:

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Adam S. is the more emotional Mythbuster between him and Jamie H., and he usually suggests to take myths to the extreme (ex: offering to drop an egg 40 ft. just to make it break). Him and I share something in common as well: We both laugh when something cool/awesome happens (ex: explosions, working rig, etc.). He has some of the more... inventive... ideas on the show. You would need to see the show more often to get a better idea of what he does, though...

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