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And proud of it!


-CF :akaku:


Quote of the Day: To be the popular one at a party, walk up to a group of people, laugh, and say, "Well, technically, that's illegal." Who knows, you're probably right; if you aren't, well I hate this stupid party anyway.


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There's a "personality quiz" that's fairly official that breaks down your personality on four seperate continuums. I forget what each one is (except the first was is Intro/Extrovert) though. I rememebr doing them a couple of times back in school. Always came up Introvert and then a few others I bounced between.

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T-Hybrid is correct. I'm Introverted/Sensitive(Sensory?)/Thinking/Perceiving. I forget what most of those mean individually, but it was quite an accurate depiction of my personality.
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Cool! I'm actually taking one of those on Wednesday in a class! I'll be sure to post the results.


Arpy, you're "Introverted/Sensitive(Sensory?)/Thinking/Perceiving"

Sounds like me, actually, so I'm even more looking forward to this.



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I just took a personality classification (I guess that's what I'll call it) called RealColors (or something). It's pretty good as well, though having only four categories results in quite a bit of over-classification.




Off-topic, but I just noticed you're 8 posts away from 999 (everyone knows it's better than 1K)



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