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Temporary Hibernation From Bzpower

Toa Neya


Hey, guys? After some bad grades surfaced involving my missing homework (a tragedy that has not occurred since 3rd grade,) until I turn said homework in to raise my grades, I will be unable to use BZPower or any other non-homework website (including My Lego Network) for several days. However, when it is done, I will be partially able


But what do grades matter to some of you guys? Well, here's what's going to happen if I don't raise my grade:


1. I will have a major gap in the normal continuum of my A grades (which matter a lot to me, and trimester exams are in only a few weeks)

2. Mom will take me off the ski trip. Eek! (But at least no Yeti...)

3. If I don't get them up by Friday, Mom will tell Dad about said grades, and then there will be you-know-what to pay. Including possible indefinite removal from the Internet for non-homework purposes.


As you can see from the above, I will not be able to get on BZP at all over the next few days. However, I wish to make this clear- I will return.


So for the next few days (hopefully only until after Thursday) you are free to PM me about things, but remember- I will not answer them until after the BZP break is over.


Also, in Bionifight, until I come back, Blade gets my Rank 4 Staff of the Network, and gets temporary hosting rights. :P


And no, I will not make any MLN trades until I'm back.


So bye until hopefully Thursday, and I hope my decreased load on the server decreases your Board Messages while I'm gone.


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: But if my grades rise, look forward to me giving you a report of my ski trip as a welcome-me-back present! :voyanui:


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Whoa... Well, I'll keep BF alive(Hopefully :P) until you return, and I understand. Do what you have to do ;) Good luck getting them back up, and if they do rise, I AM looking forward to the report :)

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I'm got the work done and got back early. :D


But still, since this is technically illegal in my house (after getting caught with windows other than my homework on my page, Mom extended the computer ban to the weekend) I will still not be able to completely return for a while yet. But still, I reclaim my staff, Blade. :P Still, with my partial return:


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: Entry locked. :voyanui:

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