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In The Hands Of Gold



As you would know if you read my recent Vezon & Fenrakk Review, I managed to track down a few new 2006 sets: Vezon & Fenrakk, Brutaka, and Toa Inika Matoro. I have proudly displayed them for several days now. And I must say -- they were worth that $65 I spent. (or blew?) Just yesterday, though, I had an urge. An urge to MOC. So I stripped down Brutaka of his gold pieces, leaving his unornamented body to rot on my floor. I then gathered up my other KK pieces of the same gold shade. Originally, I wanted to use a traditional color scheme: gold and white. I built a torso, and limbs of both the arm and leg variety to go with it. I really just wasn't completely satisfied with the results. I wanted something better.


So I started sifting through my old Brickshelf for any kind of inspiration, and saw Lyrxic. I loved some of the basic design elements I used on there. I decided to make another version of it. Only, this time, I'd lose the light blue and replace it with the new gold. I'm going for an armored style mecha look, which should be fun, seeing as the pieces I have in gold are perfect for creating an armored look. I'm currently working out issues with the torso, and trying ever so hard to come up with a working head design. I'll think of something, eventually. After all, I am in the hands of gold.




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