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Fun With Translations



Go to your favorite web translator, whatever that may be, put in a paragraph, and translate it through like five different languages.




The Walt Disney Internet Group announced five new games for cell phones today, as reported by TechGadgets. One of the games, Lego Bionicle Defenders, oddly enough pits the players against the Barraki and their undersea creatures, which are last year's enemies, while the player tries to reclaim the Mask of Life. Still, it's good to see that more forays into the Bionicle gaming world are being made.


English to French to German to English to Greek to English to Japanese to English to Portugese to French to Dutch to English later...


of TechGadgets the manner the game of which the five for telephoning batteries where announces itself today, has repaired new are. The attempt up to take of the facility which disguises partially of living, but with the facility Barraki of the disadvantage want know that thus the enemy of end is 1 of therophyte sufficiently of kojlw seabed creativos whined of the game of the person Lègue Bionicle of protection and of they his. Still looks at this that of the world of the game of the good ideas of Bionicle changes itself much.


Here's where you'll find reference materials relating to BZP. In addition to public announcements and information about BZPower, the forum also serves as a FAQ for new and old members alike.


As that ayto'es in in the placement that you find there here with regard to material support BZP. The period is later the public statement and the information new old and with regard to BZPower onderhouds grandstand faq for this.


-Exo (for a change)




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It's called round-tripping. It's very fun.





"I guess this blog can basically be summed up in by Shakespeare's quote of "Brevity is the soul of wit". That, or "This person is freaking insane", take your pick."



"blog of HIM Fundamenteel of of veronderstel of the one of Dit of of the one of the one of the one of HIM Citaat Packwagen Shakespeare de Het of of d'ik? Of they kan That HIM Fourgon "Beknoptheid HIM Samengevat Est" of of Fourgon of of of verstand of the one of the one of I gave DAS of ziel of Bearing. Dat, "of Krankzinnig, to der of Persoon de Deze", ist of poy Oogst D'uw de Neemt."

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The period is later the public statement

That might earn a spot in my signature now! Nice one Exo.


My turn.

BZPower will rock because BZP rocks because Exo Rocks, because Blade is awesome, because Endless Fued rules, because Destiny of a Hero is awesome, because Reality is everything because of anything Blade writes is great!

From English to Russian to English to French to German to Japanese to English to Chinese to English again. 6 Languages ;) Oh, and EGo trip for me ;) This is from the Russian Translation:

BZPower will rock both BZP rocks, so Exo rocks because it is a huge tip because Infinite Feud rules, as is the fate of a huge hero, because the reality is everything because of anything Blade writes great!



because of anything Blade writes great!

Seriously, that's what came out. *Reads original* Oh, well that would explain why >.>' Will update in a sec.


I think I ran it through too many times. But some of the things from the Chinese translation are... Interesting to say the least.


Bzpower uirurokku durosshu bzp, parce Que is énorme sont rerosshuekiso title feud parce unlimited United Nations rules, the components of the United Nations d 'sort héros legrand, touted parce Que La forecast à cause de tout Chief Executive Stuart blade of a great écrit!


Apparently I'm a Chief Executive named Stuart >.> Either that or it's you Exo...

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Translated from Japanese:

I inquired about that Mudkips is liked.


You can guess what that said. :lol:


~Doc C.


I heard you like Mudkipz.

Exactly. :D Now, from Japaneses again:

So, I am in order to be proven by the fact that my screen name is Exo M7, Exo M7. Or perhaps that is my autonym. You do not know under any condition. As for the last thing which this world needs blog, I transmit to un-discriminating with me, destroy your life everything completely and something which is free do, (as for your head! Boasting bragging it explodes) and the pie (3.14) concerning. Naturally, that was put together, "pi" is. I think of that that is Greek. I when understanding what, whether it is said, think in what kind of Greek human doubt. In me where "is that completely German! "Because we have known that naturally, Germany at the time of the ancient Greek person really" that Aramabainakootlababi entirely to me! That "is, so perhaps those it meant, it was not. In addition as for me the first pie when is drawn up and thinks high in doubt. Therefore he was said the count of the pie where that "made what, that escaping show the badly sad death between the game of the card foolishness we would like to stop thing, did not think that after my and the person who is shown perhaps! Dance because of me the small person, dance! "Perhaps that is why today you do not hear the count of the pie under any condition. Obtaining obtaining. That is that perhaps.

Japaneses translations are way funnier than French. :P


~Doc C.

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