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* Sigh * Toa Gali Nuva Mistika

Cap'n Tek



Toa Gali Nuva (Mistika)


Unfortunately This has to come... the discussion about The "new" Gali. Yes, I picked on her quite a bit below, however, there is one good thing in her that I can tell, but I'll get to that later. Now I'll got over the new mold and newly colored parts. ones aside from the ones I mentioned under Tahu....

  • (2) Mystery Gray/Silver New Shoulder Armor Parts (Shoulder armor.... well, it should wrap around the shoulder, hopefully it's still a prototype...)
  • (4) Mystery Gray/Silver Inika Leg parts (These are awesome... if they are sliver, that is...)
  • (4) Mystery Blue Long Double Sockets (I can't tell what blue these are... I'm still hoping they aren't dark...)
  • (1) Dark Blue Melted piece of plastic called a "Mask" (I really hope this is just for the prototype!)
  • (2) Silver (I assume) Small Fins (Really?! On the side of her mask?! LEGO can't be serious. . .)
  • (1) Silver (I'm guessing) Nynrah Blaster Target...er (Cool concept I guess... but why does Gali have this?)
  • (1) Silver (It seems) Giant Weapon Shield Thingy (Really? this is all we could come up with? Again, I hope it's still just for the prototype...)
Mm'kay.. Her mask is total fail... the Piraka torso also is as well. However, the few new parts we get on her are quite nice. I hope that the parts actually are Silver--especially the Ignika legs. Most of what I said about Tahu can apply to Gali as well. Unlike her previous forms there is no indication that she is a water being aside from her color (She has no fins that go on her feet and no mask clearly for Water breathing.) On that note Isn't her Mask supposed to be a Kaukau--the mask of Water Breathing?! What's with the Nuju-esque eye? Her shoulder Armor looks as if it's been designed by Mega-Blocks... seriously, as I said before, I hope it's a prototype thing that will be changed. Still, the things I like about Tahu I like for Gali; the Blaster is nice; the parts can be useful for MoCists; and most of the new molds (With the exception of the mask and the shoulder armor) are good.


I think this is the hope of every fan that knew the old Nuva--hopefully these are just very early prototypes. I don't know if I'm getting Gali yet... we'll see...




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