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Preparations For Tommorow

The Fallen Amph


I'm trying to get prepared for tommorow. Tommarow is when I'm going to talk to Amanda (her name). ^^ Also, I'm improving my wardrobe-


-Shortsleeved shirt (it is umbearingly hot in the FunCenter place, especialy is you're moving around.)

-Blackpants that have removable sleeves (I look a lot better when I'm whereing short sleeved pants)

-Tennis Shoes

-Black Sweatshirt


Compared to what I usually wear (Long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, snow boots, and heavy jacket) I look alot better.


So, now I'm taking notes (what I'm going to say, when, etc.). I find that something better than saying "Hi" while boarding the bus, is complimenting her. Like (since it's a bowling field trip) saying, "Nice job Amanda! You're good!" When she gets a strike. :) Or complimenting her shoes or something like that.


Also, I'm going to write down the URL for Autobots versus Brawl and my home phone # just in case. ;)


And an interesting fact is, that we both have flaws. I'm not homing in on the most popular and prettiest girl in 6th grade. I hate those kind. XP She's new and I think she has braces, I can't remember, it's been 3 days. And I have glasses. :P


Also, another interesting fact is that we are both around 5' 7'' tall (and that's pretty big for people our age) and we have the same hair color, blonde.






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It's like: :P


Me: Hi :)

Her: Oh! Hi! :)

Me: *twitches horribly* I...Uh, erm.. uh..."Autobots, Roll Out!"

Her: What?

Me: Ugh! Stupid...stop! *radio tuning sound* "Unity! Duty! Destiny!" *twithes again*

Her: :blink:


Sure hope that doesn't happen! :D

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Guest kopakanuva13


It's like: :P


Me: Hi :)

Her: Oh! Hi! :)

Me: *twitches horribly* I...Uh, erm.. uh..."Autobots, Roll Out!"

Her: What?

Me: Ugh! Stupid...stop! *radio tuning sound* "Unity! Duty! Destiny!" *twithes again*

Her: :blink:


Sure hope that doesn't happen! :D

LOL, hopefully not :lol:

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