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Snipers And Masks And Silver, Oh My!

Takua the Wanderer


The Mistika version of Gali is Gali in the sense that it fits her very well.


Let's look at one of the more repeated complaints out there: Gali is a sniper.

Well, what's the problem with that? Gali is perfect as a sniper. Look at it this way: what does a sniper do? He (she) hides and waits for someone to come up, then shoots them. To be a sniper, what qualities do you need? Two of the big ones are patience and a calm head.

Doesn't that describe Gali well? Isn't Gali patient and cool headed?

And who says that a sniper isn't graceful? As a trained hitman (XD), I assure you that there's nothing more graceful than a clean headshot. :P

Personally, I feel that a sniper rifle fits Gali better than a pair of giant axes, which are known to be for savage hacking and slashing, and need extreme strength to wield.


Her mask is also a big issue. But that also fits her. Besides the scope, it's mostly flat and featureless, right? Just like still water, or the sea on a calm day. It represents Gali as the calm sea, which is usually her personality.


Another issue is that silver is grossly overused. Although asthetics-wise that's probably true, that doesn't make Gali not Gali. Silver represents the sea very well, especially in the Matoran Universe (the Silver Sea). And those spikes hearken back to Legend of Metru Nui, when Makuta made pillars come out of the Silver Sea. This, along with the Metru Blue, represent that the Nuva guard Metru Nui now. Not Mata Nui, as there's nothing to guard.

While I'm at it, I think I'll complain about the use of silver on the 2002 Nuva. It was rather unbalanced. You may have to be a Runescaper to understand this analogy, but it's like wearing only a platebody and not the platelegs or arms. It just looks rather stupid. :P

While we're on the topic of appearance, gender is only a state of mind in Bionicle, so there's nothing wrong with Gali being muscular. :P


Although Gali's appearance has vastly changed, she is still the Toa Nuva that we all know, perhaps even more so than before.



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Is Samus Aran (from Metroid) bald because the top of her helmet is a dome? Is Jango Fett Bald? Are airforce pilots bald?! Just because they have A DOME?!!!

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...I love you...



Off-topic: :blink: That was very odd.....


On-topic: Well, you do have a point....


-Your friendly neighborhood nuisance, the VV is out!

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Why Gali could be a Sniper: This is the Final Battle for Mata Nui and the universe itself. The Toa Nuva need, and will continue to need, as much combat ability as possible to confront the Brotherhood. With Gali as a sniper and her brother Toa using Arthaka's armor and weapons, they have a fighting chance.


Why Gali could not be a Sniper: The axes are more barbaric, but if she was falling off a cliff while saving a Matoran in her grasp, could she grasp the cliffside in safety with a sniper rifle? A very specific example, yes, but there are more heroic actions Gali could use her axes with.


So basically, in this battle, Gali should certainly wield the sniper rifle. But once it's over, I'd say she should pick up her aqua axes again.


Gali FTW!

:kaukaunu: :smilegalinu: :kaukau:

1) She can fly in her Mistika form, so the "saving Matoran" point is moot.


2) She discarded her pre-Adaptive Armor weapons.

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