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Work, Work, March?



Aright...terrible sore and tired. I have numerous bumps due to pesky bugs, and a nice red tan. Not dark...just red. You try marching outside with your hands up for three hours. :sly:


Ok, so maybe it wasn't three hours. We took some breaks. Let's just say at least two hours of just pure marching. Unfortunately my hair got in the way (Yes, it's long enough to block my view) because of a breeze, and here's the bad thing about it: The wind was strong enough to blow my hair all over, but not enough to feel cool. Seriously...it was hot and sweaty.


And guess what? I get to go back in about 5 hours and do whatever for another three hours!


Not yay... I seriously think I drank too much water. I felt like I was going to water the grass, if you know what I mean.


So what am I doing now? Trying to relax, but I can't.


"Why?" you say? Because my friend's Bionicle forum was just hacked, and I'm in a chatroom where people are trying to figure out who did it. Crazy thing really. Poor Eps :(




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Bugs aren't pesky, they are just following their natural insticts :(


~ Bioran

Then their natural instincts are pesky. :sly:

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