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Tahu As A Knight And A Trailblazer

Takua the Wanderer


Ironically, Tahu Mistika seems to have attracted a lot of flame. The targets for the burnination seem to mostly be the mask, which has been claimed to look both like a ninja's mask and a knight's helm, and his shield.

I can't really address the complaint about the ninja, except for the rumor that ninjas can exotically use fire, but a knight represents Tahu very well. In the Middle Ages, a knight was seen as a symbol of power, protection, and heroism. All descriptions that can be aptly set to Tahu.

Even now, we look back to knights as heroes, hence the term, "knights in shining armor." And out of all the Nuva, Tahu is the hero out of all of them, the one who would go to the greatest lengths to protect and fight for what he believes in.


Tahu's weapon isn't a shield. If it is, then it's the most mediocre shield that I've ever seen. I don't see how it can block anything. Besides, he has a Hau.

It can't be a shuriken either. Not only is it oversized, but if he throws it, he won't have a weapon.

I personally believe that it's a spinning blade, a buzzsaw, a vegetation cutter. Not only is that useful in a swamp, but it fits Tahu's persona.

Think about it: A weapon like that is extremely powerful, but it's dangerous to everyone, including the user. Just like fire (also, it can easily clear away foilage, just like fire). And just like something only someone who is that willing to take risks would use. Such as Tahu. The cutter fits him perfectly.


The rest of his body is also fitting on him. Jets produce fire, don't they? I personally think it's the best option for Tahu there is. Also, look at the claws on his legs. Now look at this, specifically the flames in the middle:

fira.png (Thanks, Emzee! :D)


This is an argument that I expect to come against: "There are tons of Toa of Fire. Just because it describes fire doesn't mean it describes Tahu!"

In a way, it does. Tahu is the original Toa of Fire. When you say Toa of Fire, doesn't Tahu, the spirit of fire come to mind first?


In my honest opinion, Tahu Mistika represents fire very well. And fire by extension, represents Tahu.


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In the Middle Ages, a knight was seen as a symbol of power, protection, and heroism. All descriptions that can be aptly set to Tahu.

This is true, and this might mean it will do well. Personally it doesn't make me like it. :P


But of the three, I do like Tahu best because he seems to be the most coherent of the three.



Tahu's weapon isn't a shield. If it is, then it's the most mediocre shield that I've ever seen. I don't see how it can block anything. Besides, it's a Hau.

Why didn't I think of that lol?


But if the blades spin, it would work sorta like Keetongu's shield thingy, wouldn't it?



I personally believe that it's a spinning blade, a buzzsaw, a vegetation cutter. Not only is that useful in a swamp, but it fits Tahu's persona.

I'd assumed it had a triple purpose -- 1) buzzsaw, 2) shield, 3) extra propulsion (kinda like Pohatu Newva).



Ah, good old RPGmaker fire. Many times have I used that anim. :P



This is an argument that I expect to come against: "There are tons of Toa of Fire. Just because it describes fire doesn't mean it describes Tahu!"

In a way, it does. Tahu is the original Toa of Fire. When you say Toa of Fire, doesn't Tahu, the spirit of fire come to mind first?


In my honest opinion, Tahu Mistika represents fire very well. And fire by extension, represents Tahu.

Alright, but I think the argument is more that this mask doesn't resemble the Hau's other forms, except that it does have serrations. So it's more about the mask, at least to me, than the element of the weilder.


Still, those are good points. I hadn't thought of some of them.

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But if the blades spin, it would work sorta like Keetongu's shield thingy, wouldn't it?

If you ask me, I think spinning blades are less effective than Keetongu's thingy. :P

I also want to point out that blades usually aren't used for blocking. :P


Alright, but I think the argument is more that this mask doesn't resemble the Hau's other forms, except that it does have serrations. So it's more about the mask, at least to me, than the element of the weilder.

I know, but I was deliberately avoiding the argument. I realize that Tahu has little resemblance to his Nuva form, and I'm trying to show that the Mistika still represent the characters, just not in that exact way. :P


But I still think the mask has some resemblance. It has the same basic shape and outline as both forms, besides that fin on the top. *Waits to get the set to prove my point* :P

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If you ask me, I think spinning blades are less effective than Keetongu's thingy.

I also want to point out that blades usually aren't used for blocking.

Nor are they usually used to channel elemental powers. :P


But maybe it's just me cuz in my other stories I have characters able to spin a sword to do that. Maybe only I would think of it. :P Although, actually, some star wars light-saber characters do...



But I still think the mask has some resemblance. It has the same basic shape and outline as both forms, besides that fin on the top. *Waits to get the set to prove my point*

Well... sorta. :P But then, almost every mask has that. :shrugs:

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Well, well, well. Let's see what you got here -Adv-. Before I begin, I would like to mention (As Ive had millions of times before) that Tahu is my absolute favourite character in Bionicle. There, I said it. Anywy, lets get to it. The spinning blade that he has on his hand does in a way make sense for him to have. And Bonesii, it would make sense if he could channel his energy through the cutter thing. It spins, generating heat, and then he launches a flame blast. Or something :P. It would work, in my oppinion. And, like Bonesii, the only real qualm I have with the Misitika is their masks. The Phantokas masks do look similar to their previous Nuva incarnations, with the Mistika, Onua's is probably the closest. But Tahus doesn't. I'm not to fond of the backwards Piraka body either. When I finally get the set, then I will have a closer inspection. But all in all, I think Tahu looks the best out of the Mistika. And overall, I do agree with the majority of your points. :)
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Nor are they usually used to channel elemental powers.

That's true. :P


But maybe it's just me cuz in my other stories I have characters able to spin a sword to do that. Maybe only I would think of it. Although, actually, some star wars light-saber characters do...

Yeah, I've seen that too. But by that logic, any bladed weapon can be used as a shield. :P


Well... sorta. But then, almost every mask has that.

True, but I think that this is a bit more so. :P

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But if the blades spin, it would work sorta like Keetongu's shield thingy, wouldn't it?


If you ask me, I think spinning blades are less effective than Keetongu's thingy.

I also want to point out that blades usually aren't used for blocking.


What of Nokama and her tools in Web of Shadows?


But this was well put toghether. Never thought of his mask looking nija like. *Goes of to check the pics*

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I also want to point out that blades usually aren't used for blocking. :P


That sentence is made of extreme wrong. One of the reasons swords are so popular and famous is that they can be used for blocking as well. In sword-fights, notice how the fighters lock each others' blades with their own blades and knock the blow off target. Swords can be used to deflect slower projectiles as well, if the wielder has good reflexes. Especially against long weapons, blades ARE usually used for blocking.


Thus ends my rant. *bow*

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But I still think the mask has some resemblance. It has the same basic shape and outline as both forms, besides that fin on the top. *Waits to get the set to prove my point*

Well... sorta. :P But then, almost every mask has that. :shrugs:

My response.

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That's called parrying. :)


It's completely different from what a shield can do. :P

But he's talking about how swords can parry, and parrying is a form of blocking. Oh well, it's not revelant anyway.

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MoIaS: -Adv- and I were talking about an actual shield first. :P So the whole parrying thing is irrelevant. Neither of us were talking about parrying, nor denying that this is possible. ;)

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Why does a Mask of Shielding need giant holes in it? :P It's good how it looks protective. That's the whole point.


And remember, just because it doesn't look like the original Tahu sets, doesn't mean it doesn't look like Tahu.


Oh, I see, this entry is a few days old. Oh well. :P


:m: :e: :c: :a:

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And remember, just because it doesn't look like the original Tahu sets, doesn't mean it doesn't look like Tahu.

Well said. You seem to understand the point of this perfectly. :D :happydance:

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nice sayings man, yeah I agree on you with this one, people shouldn't be insulting the sets because little kids choose them, let the kids have all they want in a set to represent the good and evil and heroism. Besides, Kids are the future of this world and we have to shape them with the ways of the Bionicle

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About the ninja part -- I've noticed a lot of people saying how ninja-like he looks, and that's wrong; he's like a SAMURAI. Completely different thing. Last time I saw a ninja wearing something like that was never, they usually just wear cloth on their heads. Samurais (or whatever the plural of that is) usually wear that kind of stuff, though.


Anyway, just throwing that out there.

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Yeah, I agree with you, he looks the coolest to me. Oh yeah, his weapon is called a glaive. Learnt that from playing Warcraft III. It's sorta like a boomerang. Once thrown, it will return back.

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I agree with you about Tahu. There's one problem, though:


I've thoroughly studied images of his weapon and made a MoC of it.


I'm almost certain the weapon can't rotate on it's own. The only way for it to rotate is to move the blades, yourself



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point is, it doesn't look like Tahu ...

it would actually be very well fitted for Vakama, in my opinion, but not for Tahu.

the mask makes him look aged instead of fiery, like his previous masks have (first thing I liked about Tahu was his trademark scowl and fiery eyes)

if only they angled his eye holes, then it would look a lot like him.

sure this design has got "fire" down pat, but what about Tahu, the hothead? our Tahu who loves lavasurfing and thrills? Swordwielder and major burninator?

i really can't see him in there...

like i said before, i'd be totally pumped if this was Vakama's design, but for Tahu? meh....



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Have you read BL9? Tahu isn't a hothead anymore. He actually thinks things over now.

And as I may have said, having a buzzsaw makes more sense in a swamp than a sword. And there's really no reason this incarnation does a worse job at representing the rest of what you mentioned. :)

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