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Tahu As A Knight And A Trailblazer

Takua the Wanderer


Ironically, Tahu Mistika seems to have attracted a lot of flame. The targets for the burnination seem to mostly be the mask, which has been claimed to look both like a ninja's mask and a knight's helm, and his shield.

I can't really address the complaint about the ninja, except for the rumor that ninjas can exotically use fire, but a knight represents Tahu very well. In the Middle Ages, a knight was seen as a symbol of power, protection, and heroism. All descriptions that can be aptly set to Tahu.

Even now, we look back to knights as heroes, hence the term, "knights in shining armor." And out of all the Nuva, Tahu is the hero out of all of them, the one who would go to the greatest lengths to protect and fight for what he believes in.


Tahu's weapon isn't a shield. If it is, then it's the most mediocre shield that I've ever seen. I don't see how it can block anything. Besides, he has a Hau.

It can't be a shuriken either. Not only is it oversized, but if he throws it, he won't have a weapon.

I personally believe that it's a spinning blade, a buzzsaw, a vegetation cutter. Not only is that useful in a swamp, but it fits Tahu's persona.

Think about it: A weapon like that is extremely powerful, but it's dangerous to everyone, including the user. Just like fire (also, it can easily clear away foilage, just like fire). And just like something only someone who is that willing to take risks would use. Such as Tahu. The cutter fits him perfectly.


The rest of his body is also fitting on him. Jets produce fire, don't they? I personally think it's the best option for Tahu there is. Also, look at the claws on his legs. Now look at this, specifically the flames in the middle:

fira.png (Thanks, Emzee! :D)


This is an argument that I expect to come against: "There are tons of Toa of Fire. Just because it describes fire doesn't mean it describes Tahu!"

In a way, it does. Tahu is the original Toa of Fire. When you say Toa of Fire, doesn't Tahu, the spirit of fire come to mind first?


In my honest opinion, Tahu Mistika represents fire very well. And fire by extension, represents Tahu.


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wah, i had a long reply but the server ate it and my thoughts... -_-;;;

long story short.

Tahu is still a hothead, even if he has cooled down.

he may not be all flaming in a tantrum over every little nitpicky thing, but he still would lose his temper. it's natural for him, as Kopaka is naturally antisocial, Lewa is naturally easygoing and wisecracking, Onua is naturally patient. Of course Kopaka would try to talk and cooperate with others but that still doesn't make him not antisocial. Lewa is more mature, but he still has his funny moments and loves to crack quips.

casein point.

so it would do him better justice if his mask eyeholes gave him more of a glare than those bland eyeholes.

True it looks like a helmet, but it only makes his eyes empty, instead of that fierce glare we've known him for having so long.

like i said, angle the eyeholes and maybe give it a bit more roundish shape than a square... make the ribs a bit more pleasing to the eye (goodness, it looks more fit for a male version of the Noble Rau or for Toa Vakama or even something that Turaga Dume could've worn when he was a Toa than a mask of Shielding for Tahu)


the shield blade thingy... it's okay.

first of all, what is it?

i don't dislike it, at least not as much as the mask, but there could have been better alternatives compared to that huge thing...

not necessarily a sword but at least a blade he could swing around (something a bit like Lewa's katanas but a bit more heavy... a scythe like blade?)

other small complaints are dull coloration (but i'll ignore that since they are in a swamp, and for adaptation purposes would need dull colors), an extremely lanky and bare body/torso that makes him look off balance considering the bulk of his buzzsaw/shield and blaster, and the return of said blaster

(last one is a pet peeve of mine as Bionicle is slowly moving away from the much favored art of weapons to mindless blasting... okay, not so much mindless, but it's not so hard to shoot a blaster to destroy as a sword to defeat/kill)

and what do you mean by the last part of your sentence please?

" And there's really no reason this incarnation does a worse job at representing the rest of what you mentioned. smile.gif "


wow, never mind, this reply is long enough already! @_@;;;

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Tahu is still a hothead, even if he has cooled down.
But if he's cooled down, then why should he look angry all the time? Look, just as the angry mask wass to represent that he was a hothead, the calmer mask is there to represent that he's calmer, and more methodical. :)


And I've already explained the buzzsaw. It doesn't sound like you've even read my essay. :( And by the way, heavy armor = bad in a swamp. :)

Oh, and I believe that a gun takes just as much experience to use as a sword does. While you can just swing a sword, a gun takes careful use and good aim. Not so mindless. :)


A buzzsaw represents Tahu quite well. It represents recklessness and risk taking, because it's such a dangerous weapon. :)

Of course, that's kind of moot because Tahu isn't a reckless-risktaker anymore. :P

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point is, it doesn't look like Tahu ...



Lets not forget something here.


It doesn't look like Tahu, but the fact is, it is Tahu. Lego wills it. :bowdown:



'Nuff said.

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point is, it doesn't look like Tahu ...



Lets not forget something here.


It doesn't look like Tahu, but the fact is, it is Tahu. Lego wills it. :bowdown:



'Nuff said.

I realize this entry is half a month old, but I hope TtW doesn't mind me continuing the discussion.


@Lektho: So are you saying we should unconditionally praise Bionicle for whatever they do, no matter how many doubts or disagreements we have about it?

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Finally someone agrees with me that it's a buzzsaw!! I mean, why on earth would you have a shield when a saw is more useful in a swamp. And, no offense to icarax, a spinning shield is ridiculous.


I am so glad that Tahu is the way he is now. The old Nuva were disgusting; their masks had veins popping all over and their faces looked scrunched up. Tahu's way better the way he is now. And the silver all over just adds to the effect. It guarentees them to look like a team and yet they still aren't clone sets.

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And he has a mask of shielding, too! :rolleyes:


Yeah, and the silver is better distributed in Tahu than it was before. I thought his old mask was cool, though. It had a feel of ruthless elegance, although this one is much better, in my opinion. Although his and Kopaka's masks were pretty much the only ones that I liked. :shrugs:


I don't really see what's so odd about the jets, though. It's like a modified jetpack. :blink:

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Sorry, thinking of the other Mistika...

Tahu isn't really that bad, but I'd be a lot happier if he was mainly red with silver armor pieces.

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He looks like that to me... :shrugs:

Well, kinda like how Lhikan was red with gold armor.... he wasn't mostly gold, but he did have gold armor.

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When you say Toa of Fire, doesn't Tahu, the spirit of fire come to mind first?


Oh no i think something's wrong with me. Jaller Inika came to my mind first. :(



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When you say Toa of Fire, doesn't Tahu, the spirit of fire come to mind first?


Oh no i think something's wrong with me. Jaller Inika came to my mind first. :(



For me it's Jallah Mawwi! YAYZ!


Uh, yeah, then Tahu. I dunno, the old Tahu's kinda...old...and small...and I don't have the new one yet.


But once again, I agree with every point made in the actual entry, not the comments space. It's a saw. That's what I first thought, and I'm right.


the mask makes him look aged instead of fiery

Uh, actually, that's more like the Hau Nuva. Seriously. When I first saw the nuva, 'specialleh Tahu Nuva, I thought "whoa, like 200 years in the future! Awesome!"


I don't think he looks aged with the new Hau. I think he just looks experienced. And awesome.

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:kaukau:You can say that anything fits a character perfectly if you give enough thought to how they might share certain qualities. A buzz saw? It could fit him, if one gave the thought that you did, but not perfectly, and nowhere near as well as some other things. For example: a sword. It just seemed to fit him very well and made him a classic figure. It had more than a practical meaning, but a symbolic meaning, and I'm sure that Tahu is a symbol to many of us.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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