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I want to make a rahi moc based of a rahi we've heard of. So I choose the Longangs. This is their info:


" 'Longfangs' are large reptilian rahi that are native to Metru Nui. Unlike most Rahi of Metru Nui, the Longfangs stayed behind in the city after the events of the Great Cataclysm. This choice forced them to move out of their preferred habitat, the Archives, for most of the small creatures, such as stone rats, that made up their diet fled, making the Longfangs move up onto the surface of the city. They prefer smaller creatures, but, if hungry enough, will go after larger prey. Longfangs are about seven feet long, with short, powerful jaws filled with many rows of sharp teeth."



I was going to try to make a custom head, but I'm not sure if I should use a Rahkshi head. I was also going to and a long tail and make it the colors of Oganix. And use the phantoka bodies. I want to know if that would good for it. Please give advice


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