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I Chose... Rapture!



And that title will explain my general lack of activity here on BZP for the last few days. For Christmas, my grandfather got BioShock for the PC. But we found that it would not work right. So we had my computer expert uncle come about a week or so later (he's got a busy job) to check it out. Turns out our graphics card wasn't good enough, so we had to buy a new one over the internet. That took a little while longer to get here, then get it into the computer. We got it working, and my grandfather also does not have a whole lot of free time, so it took him a while to beat it. I had seen bits and pieces, one amusing moment of which was watching him run for his life from a drill-wielding Big Daddy (Bouncers, I think they're called) that he accidently hit with a stray bullet while fighting a splicer. But I hadn't really seen enough to grasp the main plot. I had seen enough to know that this Andrew Ryan guy built this city of Rapture because he wanted to get away from all other authorities weighing him down, and I knew the significance of the Little Sisters and the Big Daddies.


Well, he finally finished it this past weekend. I started it Monday night and just beat it this afternoon (I have WAY more free time, and didn't die as much).


My God. Talk about a great game.


Seriously. BioShock is one of the most original games I have played in a long time, especially for a first-person shooter. And talk about deep plotlines--games like these seem to have way better stories than most movies and TV shows out there today. And it had a couple plot twists that rivaled those of Saw and The Sixth Sense in how staggering they were and how everything else that made no sense before suddenly clicked when that one twist is revealed. And there's several. The moral concept of the Little Sisters is a nice touch. Ironically, being such a villain fan as I am, I could not bring myself to harvest and kill them, except for the first one I had to kill a Big Daddy to get. But that was just because of the grueling fight she put me through. I guess small children, especially little girls, hit that soft spot on me. Of course, giving them big eyes didn't really help. :P


Needless to say, I got the nicer ending, though I've seen the bad one. But anyway, if you have not played the game, I highly recommend it. Just remember: in order to get the fullest experience of the game, plot and all, PAY ATTENTION TO AUDIO RECORDINGS AND DIARIES. Extremely important. But seriously, great game.


Though I never figured out the significance of the title "BioShock".


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'Bioshock' is a mixture of the terms "Biopunk" and "System Shock".


Biopunk is a subgenre term relating to stories that focus on biotechnology and subversives. It is a brother to Steampunk, which focuses on steam technology.


System Shock, or more accurately, System Shock 2, is the game that Bioshock succeeds.

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Ah. So is there more plot in System Shock 2 for BioShock, or does BioShock have more of a stand-alone story? Seems like the latter, since I didn't find any confusion in the plot myself.
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