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The Fallen Amph


WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!!!! :crying:


I didn't do anything, and she...hates me. All I did was, she's in my friend's strings class, and I asked him if he could just tell her I'm sorry for not talking to her yet and the annoyances on Tuesday. He told me that in the middle of what he said, she said that she didn't even care...


She must think I'm just this nerdy bum...


*sighs* Does anybody have any help, even though it's probably useless...




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Wish I could help you, but, as one who hasn't had a date in two and a half years, I'm not one to give out advice...


There's no way to figure out what women think... It's one of those great mysteries to us men...


Sorry 'bout your luck, Bro...

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^ Its a great mystery until you're 15. Then its more understandable.


What I say is is to be friends with just a bunch of girls. You'll eventually find another you like more than her. Trust me.


BTW, don't try to start again. Sorry to imform you, but its useless at this point.



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I'll be twenty in less than a month and I still haven't figured it out...


When I was in High School, 90% of my friends were of the female persuation... I dated three of them... All ended in disaster, with me getting cheated on...

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Guest kopakanuva13


Aye, don't worry, girls are weird like that ;)

Don't look at it that way, just try again! I had a crush on a girl when I was in eighth grade (BTW, it was just an infatuation and nothing more), and she thought I was rather strange, chiefly because I liked Bionicle and she thought I was emo :lol:

Don't worry, just try again, and when she said she didn't care she might have actually meant that she didn't care that anything happened... who knows? Plus, the girl I once liked used to always tell me she didn't care :P

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Don't worry, you can join the Loser Club! We have T-shirts, bagels, and endless discussions!

Well, sorry folks, "Amphy's Love Life" is now off air.

And I feel you pain, bro. I ain't exactly a lady killer. *flashbac--NO! I THOUGHT I GOT RID OF THOSE IN FLASHBACK THERAPY! *hyperventilates*

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Aye, don't worry, girls are weird like that ;)

Don't look at it that way, just try again! I had a crush on a girl when I was in eighth grade (BTW, it was just an infatuation and nothing more), and she thought I was rather strange, chiefly because I liked Bionicle and she thought I was emo :lol:

Don't worry, just try again, and when she said she didn't care she might have actually meant that she didn't care that anything happened... who knows? Plus, the girl I once liked used to always tell me she didn't care :P


*sniffs* Thanks. That made me feel alot better. I think I'm just gonna just say nothing for a while and see what happens.

But, it's just one thing that could of prevented this. I could've done something on Tuesday, if not for her evil midget friend. Every time I get near her, her friend glares at me. So evily that it feels like she's going into my soul and stabbing it. My friend told me that's what she did to him when he asked. Then she told him that he had a big head. :P


But, remember yesterday? When she looked at me and smiled? Well, her friend wasn't there. Sucpicious, yes?

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Oh! The tiny friend that does their best to be a demon! PLENTY OF EXERICENCE WITH THEM.


Face her head on. Ask her why she does that. Expose her for who she is. But in a manner that doesn't make you look like the enemy. (trying to not use the J Word: #####.)



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There seems to be the common misconception that once you turn 15 the concept of the feminine mind will magically become apparent and obvious.


It won't.


Regardless, apologies for getting shot down. It hurts. No way to get around that. Best just take the pain, and recuperate. Go see a movie, hang out with your buddies, etc. and try again (with a different girl, prefferably) when you feel up to it.

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Oh! The tiny friend that does their best to be a demon! PLENTY OF EXERICENCE WITH THEM.


Face her head on. Ask her why she does that. Expose her for who she is. But in a manner that doesn't make you look like the enemy. (trying to not use the J Word: #####.)



I have three of those...such fun. Wait....now there are four.


Well, Amph, there's nothing really that I can tell you. I've been through several such situations and in the end the only way out was to finally realize that she wasn't really worth a whole lot to you. It isn't exactly quick.

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Guest kopakanuva13


There seems to be the common misconception that once you turn 15 the concept of the feminine mind will magically become apparent and obvious.


It won't.


Regardless, apologies for getting shot down. It hurts. No way to get around that. Best just take the pain, and recuperate. Go see a movie, hang out with your buddies, etc. and try again (with a different girl, prefferably) when you feel up to it.

LOL, yes, I am fifteen and I cannot tell whether my friend likes me or not, and whether I should tell her ;)

But anyways, about the evil midget, I suggest you ignore her, some people are just mean like that...

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Ah, yes, I have many midget nemesies (sp?)......*flashba--FLASHBACK TERMINATED.

Finally, the Flashback Terminator works! It did cost me $34.99...

Anyway, the midget friend may be an influence. But hey, it's hard to get around that. Just lay low for a while, apologize, and terminate her friend.

BTW, if it helps, I've probably been rejected WAY more times than you. And I'm still normal, right?*odd silence* RIGHT?



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There seems to be the common misconception that once you turn 15 the concept of the feminine mind will magically become apparent and obvious.


It won't.

That's what I was thinking. I'm gonna be 15 next month and I still don't understand them. :P


But anyway, sorry Amp. :( Maybe she'll change her mind? I kinda think it was a bad idea to get your friend to apologize for you. Almost as bad as a note. Next time something like that happens you should talk to the person.



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Maybe she'll change her mind?


She did. She's just a little upset that haven't talked to her yet...But that all will be taken care of tommarow. :)

That's good. By the way, how do you know she changed her mind?



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Maybe she'll change her mind?


She did. She's just a little upset that haven't talked to her yet...But that all will be taken care of tommarow. :)

That's good. By the way, how do you know she changed her mind?




Well, one of my friends was messing around with her at lunch, and I guess they got into conversation, or something...

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Wow. I'm sorry, but I'm removing you from the Losers Club.


CUZ YOU WON HER HEART!! Yayz! Good job, dude. If only it would happen to me....*f--FLASHBACK TERMINATED.


Wow, it does work--POST TERMINATED/

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As long as this isn't one of those stupid games girls find so fun to play with guys, congrats. If it is, you can come join my club.
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