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I'm now a certified FIFA Referee. I got an 87 on my final test.


But an odd thing happened.


First we all took the test, some people took a lo-ong time, and some people didn't. What a shocker. Then they had to cut off some of the people that were taking forever. Then they gave out the tests randomly again. If you had your own you were supposed to turn it back in and take another one. Now, the tests didn't have names on them, just numbers, so I stared looking around at the people on my table to see if they had my test.Nobody did. Then I said that I had #38, the person next to me is like,"#38?" And I say,"Yeah, is that yours?" Then he clutched his forehead. I interpreted that as him being in pain at my lack of understanding.


Then they said that we were supposed to grade each other's tests and they would read out the answers. The person who did my sheet wasn't doing very well. When they'd finished reading out the answers, it didn't look promising, it only took a 75 to pass but it was close. The person next to me (the person who clutched his forehead) said,"Did I pass? What's my score?" I just kinda' shook my head and said it didn't look promising and thta it was close. Now, I'm happy I didn't know while I was grading the test who's it was. It would have been distracting.


Then I counted them up, and he had gotten a 75.


Now what are the odds that I get the person-next-to-me's test? I dunno', but not very good among a class of 44.


I hope your bored to death from reading that, if you did, I am.


Also, Bunda has to get a move on with his contest.


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What is a FIFA?

*gets slapped with Sardines*

Sorry about the contest, I'm entering BD's contest and another one, and I'm trying to get my story written, on top of the real life.

There IS no signoff!
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I'm not sure what FIFA stands for... Frowning Igloo Framing Association?


Suggestion: Remove the life stuff from your list. Leave behind only the pure internet things, the things that actually matter.


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