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"cool" Letters



The letters: X, Q, W, Z and occasionally K.


These are known as cool letters to throw in. However, they are not to be overused. They work fine in most names of people, locations and such in fictional worlds (depending on the setting; obviously Zakaz can't be an island North-West of Middle Earth). But when people start modifying the English language to put in the kool letterz, it's not good.



Analyze - Why must America do this to its learning children. Just because some intelligent but under-educated person in the 18th century (or maybe a weird guy in another part of England at an earlier time) either couldn't spell or liked Z, doesn't mean we have to suffer now. My dictionary seems to agree with him, though, in it's definition of the word "analyse": See 'analyze'. But seriously, take a look at: analysis, analyst (don't tell me it makes any sense as 'analyzt'), analytical (because when adding an ending like that, s usually becomes t). Why change the stem and not the derivatives? Even if it's not strictly en-us, I have a hard time believing that this is how the word was meant to be spelled.


kool - Considering the word is slang anyway, I'm alright with it.


The main point here was analyse (ignore Firefox; it agrees with my dictionary). Perhaps I'm just being Brittified or Canadified. Comment if you think "analyse" should be spelled correctly. Sign the petition.


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And this is why people get disfaved.


Seriously Nukes, lighten up and stop complaining about everything and what wrong with the world! :D



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You have joined the side of the British.


Welcome to the dark side. You will be welcomed with open arms (see: weapons).

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I really don't care how people spell their words but please don't make us spell the word color with an "u". 'Kay? :P

~hadowBolt~ :P



Forbidden letter removed. :P I don't really care too much about colour or favourite, but analyse... *shudder*


Ehh, that's the English language to you. <_<

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Although analyse is etymologically more correct than analyse, analyze isn't entirely divergent from the formation of words derived from Greek. Often verbs extracted from ancient Greek retain an "-izo" suffix. It's where we get the "-ize" endings on many of our words. So although analyse keeps the proper stem of the verb (I'm guessing:) "analuo," analyze is still recognizably Greek. :shrugs:

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I have analysed the colourful language in this entry (though most of it was grey) and I have decided that it is one of my favourites.


I'll sign.


It is called English after all. Not American.



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