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So Incredibly Confused



Ok, so I was meant to be going on a date with 'M'. That never happened. Fair enough, I thought, we're both busy with school and stuff, and a date like that isn't exactly easy. So I gave him some time to sort things out.


Then he went away for a few weeks, on a school trip or something. His 18th birthday was on Monday, and he came back Tuesday. Today, he invited me and a few other good friends out for a meal tomorrow. Sounds good, right?


Apparently, this meal is actually so we can all meet his new boyfriend.


Now, I have no idea what's going on. It's so confusing, I don't know if I should even go now. Does anybody have any thoughts at all about this?




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Gosh, that's not very nice. I'd like to give you an advice but I don't have any, so...I hope you manage to clear up this confusion, Seran.




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...Well, that sounds rather rude.


Unfortunately I can't really offer any advice... I'm not sure either what the best thing to do in this situation would be. I suppose you could go if you like everyone else who's there, if you think you would enjoy that; on the flip side, I have no idea if not going would leave you in an odd situation or not. So I'm not one whose advice has much meaning here, but...

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Don't go.


Trust me. You won't have any fun, and in the end, it will not behoove you, or help you in any way.


You won't have any fun, they won't have any fun (or, even worse, they'll have lots, and you'll be sulking), and it's just not a winning situation.




Somebody should have given me that advice a month ago, I fear.

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Or, you could go, and make him look like a fool by "out cooling him".


On the other hand, that could result in a total failure, so stick with DV. :)

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If he so deserves your respect as he seemed to before you discovered this, then by all means you need to go. If you don't, what's to say this love was ever worthwhile? It will have been time wasted if he is not worth spending time on this outing, even if the love of the situation is lost. You will feel uncomfortable; you will feel disheartened, you may even be distraught. But if he deserved your time before he deserves little less now, unless there was such deception that all his worth to you is lost. Even if that was the case, I personally would never admit it to myself in such a situation.


Trust me, I've been there. May 7th, last year. The Confounding Clues came to a screeching halt for a few days. But your current situation, like mine of last year, is an issue of respect. If "M" still deserves your respect, you must respect his choice as well as his invitation. If he does not, you're in an entirely different ballpark. If you cannot yet tell if he deserves your respect, you must accept his invitation if only to find that out without spoiling what may be your last opportunity.


The words of a desperate optimist may not be the ones you need. I am the sort that clings to whatever meaning there is, so that no beautiful times will have been wasted. If you are able and willing to move on, you may choose to do so. I, however, advise that you not do so until these times are concluded peacefully, until you have made amends with "M" and the new object of his affections, and until you are sure that your love of him was well-spent.

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I hear yah. I have the same story, except this is a ladyfriend introducing her fiance.


I know it seems hard now, but there will be other days, know what I'm saying?

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Whoa, that's harsh. Maybe you shouldn't go, unless this already happened, then I'm way behind...but, if not, you might end up looking like a fool. This hurts my brain...?






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