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Quality Thought Of The Day

Metallic O'Dalek


The quality thought of the day is: The conquest of England by the Normans under Willian the Conqueror. Now why can't we be more like that? Does anyone have some thoughts on this?


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Conquering people has gone out of fashion, really. If you try to, everyone else jumps on you; it used to be that if you went out and conquered another country, it was a display of strength...
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I agree with Tom D. If you try and conquer anyone, everyone else joins and it ends up in one big mess.

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So instead, we slowly mix our people into the population of the other countries, then we launch a surprise attack, leaving no one any time to jump in.
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So instead, we slowly mix our people into the population of the other countries, then we launch a surprise attack, leaving no one any time to jump in.



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