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The Color Red

Watashi Wa


I have never hated the color red so much in my entire life. My Xbox360 just gave me the Red Ring of Death.


Not only has this happened before, it has already happened twice. Hopefully, three times will be the last. My Xbox had been working prefectly fine for the past 10 months, so this is quite unexpected. Atleast I'm still under warranty, or else I would have been enraged.


Now I won't have my Xbox for my birthday and probably not even for Spring Break.


And on a week when I'm hardly even working any...


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Oh, doesn't it?


KH1-2, Final Fantasy, Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, the list goes ooooooon.


But, Xbox does have awesome games, as well, but it's not my first choice... wait, is it an Xbox, or a 360?

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Look on the bright side, it will most likely come back with HDMI and the falcon chips.


I suppose that would be a good thing.


It may not have God of War, but it has Gears of War.

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Yes, but that game's just stop&pop mostly. It looks good, plays good but it's allways the same thing. Duck and shoot.

Kratos on the other hand pulls out some of the must brutal moves yet the game is filled with puzzles and the overall story is great. Just check out some vids on some popular video sites and you'll see what I mean.




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