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Here It Is.



Alright, well, I promised you a nice interesting long blog entry, and here it is.


Friday - I stayed after school for a few hours recording voices with a few of my friends for a clay animation that we made for Computer Applications class. We had a lot of fun with it (used GarageBand), and hopefully I'll be able to post it here on BZP sometime soon. That same night, I spent three hours with some other people at my house recording all of our stuff for the radio broadcast that we're doing for English (again, GarageBand). It's pretty much a spoof of War of the Worlds.


Saturday - I woke up at noon, my first time being able to sleep in on Saturday in over a month, and began editing the radio broadcast (which is due Tuesday). I finished editing and then went bowling with a bunch of the people from my church. I beat my old record of 158 with a 179. My average is about 115-120, so needless to say, I was pretty happy with myself. My first five frames were 8/, X, X, X, 8/, so I also got my first turkey on that game too. Now to reach 200. <_<


Today - Just got done eating a while back, and I'm gonna head off to a friends house to finish our electric car for Science Olympiad, and then I can cream him at several games of foosball, and then we'll play a bit of Halo 3.


Still looking for a new name for the blog, and also, I'm thinking about changing my name again, but I don't know what I'd change it to. Suggestions?


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Velox II?




oh, and your blog should be "The awesome praising Velox Blog!"


dude, i love bowling.. too bad you live on the other side of the country :( i'm actually going today..


oh, and don't make me give you another approval :P



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My average was at 114 (due to a 136 score early in the season), but I've managed to pull it back to 112, with a few 86's >.<. Highest score probably 142. I think all my points are skill and other people are just lucky. I mean, this one person I know that hardly bowls got 17x.


I bowled 9 games Friday. All over 100 except the fifth, which was a 98.

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Do you has a gamertag?


There IS no signoff!

No, my parents think that Live is too expensive, and they won't let me get it. *cries*


NASA Base on Pluto


When they found out if wasn't a planet, they forgot about me...



Oooohh, that's not too bad. :P I'll consider it.


My average was at 114 (due to a 136 score early in the season), but I've managed to pull it back to 112, with a few 86's >.<. Highest score probably 142. I think all my points are skill and other people are just lucky. I mean, this one person I know that hardly bowls got 17x.


I bowled 9 games Friday. All over 100 except the fifth, which was a 98.

Sounds like you bowl a lot like I do. :P

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Do you has a gamertag?


There IS no signoff!

No, my parents think that Live is too expensive, and they won't let me get it. *cries*



That makes me sad. I paid for a month, and it should have expired by now...


There IS no signoff!

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