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Such A Beautiful Girl Like You

Little Miss Krahka


Listening to - Here Comes The Night by Destroyer


Just finished reading the fifth volume of the Strangers in Paradise trade paperbacks. It's the latest one that I can find, and pretty much close to the current issues.

Read it in one sitting. These things are like 500 pages long. Amazing stuff, I tell you. Not like I haven't already filled out my entire "Summer Reading" thing from the library already (about three or so weeks after I got it) (and I would be lying if I said that my current SiP binge had nothing to do with it), but it took about three or so hours. Hooray!


I won't give away spoilers but dang. DANG. Things are ending up quite interesting (are things in SiP never NOT interesting?) and moving towards the closest thing to a happy ending that such an incredibly and beautifully realistic series can ever have.

Apparently it actually will come to an end pretty soon in 2007. I can see it in there, though I still feel very depressed. I really need to get out to the comic shop more often, but all of the series that I love and adore are rediculously serial and ended when I was six.

That's what we have libraries for. I love my library so much. They have graphic novels, and I've read each and every one of them that they have, with the exception of the somewhat awful DC superhero stuff that I can't stand because I have no idea what's going on and there isn't enough Frank Miller involved and some slightly worthless manga that had been censored into oblivion and was only here to make money off the idea that only kids like comics (ie: Dragonball. Although the manga is significantly less censored than the anime. I actually do like the manga, since it's so incredibly dirty. Full frontal male nudity on pretty much the first page? It's HILARIOUS.).

Even THEN.


Don't EVER let ANYONE tell you that comics are sub-par and intellectually unstimulating and emotionally vapid or juvinile. If anyone ever does, direct them to me for their Savage Beating. With a self-made hardcover copy of Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud. (Which consists of the original book, which is pure softcover, duct taped between two slabs of concrete.)

If you are unable to find me, get a copy of it, read it through, and then get two slabs of concrete of your own! I don't think it'll be quite as good as a good ol' fashioned Savage Beating administered to the Unworthy by a good ol' fashioned Krahka-chan, but it should do until I can find this waste of a human and beat 'im into even more submission!


Anyway, I have to go educate a fairly attractive boy in the finer points of the obscure music I listen to. He knows how to flatter a girl and he recognizes his superiors and asks them for advice in the matters in which they are specialized in. Mine happens to be listening to really good music and being able to write about it for hours and hours and hours. Preferably at 1 in the morning.

Though his taste in music does amuse me. In his words "Bethovan, Bach, Mozart and the Beastie Boys".

Yeah. He's nerdy as you imagine. Nerds are hot. With two ts.


Only thing is that he plays Morrowind on an Xbox and he claims that even if he played it on PC he wouldn't use mods. That can be forgiven, since he hasn't got the faintest clue what he's missing.


Note to all who play Morrowind on Xbox or on PC and use fewer than 100 mods - YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE MISSING. WE LIVE ON A HIGHER PLANE. ONE WITH LOTS OF BIZZAIRE GMSTS.


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Yeah I already finished my summer reading list too. What was the total number of pages you read? I read around 1,700 pages worth of books. Just an estimate. I got a tote bag, some headphones and some coupons. Oh and some silica gel! I do like comics but I barely ever get to go to a comic book store! It annoys me so.... I prefer the incredible hulk comics. No one tells me not to read comics. Actually my dad used to collect these classic illustrated comics. And I don't play Marrowind because 1: I don't have an x-box and B: because my computor is so dang slow!

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I'd also like to give a shout-out to my homegirls at the BGC. I'll post something exciting and interesting there sooner or later, I SWEAR! I SWEAR! I don't count many people online as my true friends, but somehow each of you managed to make that space in my wide exciting land of friends ever so much brighter and more fisherlific.


*grabs the line, and drags the fish in*






You lead the weirdest and most wonderful life, gal! I mean, in a theatre troupe and having a blast at it! I envy you, for I can't sing, I can't dance, someone has to train me in acting (and it's not exactly a hint, but see it as a hint if you want to.) and I can't think of any more excuses.


Everyone loves an indie, LMK! And if others decide not to, I would!


Keep writing, and being yourself, galfriend. Of course, I don't need to tell you this! You're already in it, and riding the crest of the waves just fine.




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