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Sick Doc

Dr. Bionicle


These are the times when I wish I was a real doctor...


Well, down here in Kansas, there's been a bad flu virus breaking out with a telling average of 65 absent kids at the junior high for a straight week. I caught the darn thing a couple of weeks ago and lost it pretty quickly, but it looks like I didn't build up a full immunity to it, 'cause it came back on Wednesday.


Within my time of sickness, I managed to inhale a few cups of Pepto Bismol, a score of Tylenol, and freak out the entirety of my school choir by being absent on Thursday, just one day before our state-wide convention in which I had a solo.


I got better by Friday (the convention was SWEET), but its relapsed and so I'm sitting here with a stomach experiencing gastral schizophrenia. I don't know when I'm going to feel fine or when I'm going to feel like upchucking every cookie I've got.


Feeling good now, and hopefully I'll get rid of this thing tonight. Tomorrow I've got Model UN (WOOT UNITED ARAB EMIRATES), and I'd look pretty silly throwing up all over the Model Middle East Caucus.


(On the plus side, I finally saw Spider-man 3 and Transformers in my time of illness! :D On the low side, I rate them both in the 'okay' category, with S3 scoring an overall 'not bad' and Transformers bringing home a 'nice try' rating.)



Dr. Bionicle


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are you sure it's not just your lazy banner, and you don't want to go to school? :P


hope you get better



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I have to second Smeag. You still haven't posted in the BZPRPG, young man! :P


Yeah, I got a sickness that was goin' around over the midwinter break. It sucked. I'm not quite sure how a flu spreads from Washington to Kansas, though... o_O


And c'mon, Transformers was awesome. D:

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No excuses!



*gets the mop and bucket*


are you sure it's not just your lazy banner, and you don't want to go to school? :P

Actually, for reallyious, I haven't been to school in the past four school days. Thursday was sickness, Friday the Kansas Music Educators Convention, and the past two days have been taken up by Model UN (not to mention I'll be dismissed early from school tomorrow for a radio interview). That's a six-day vacation, in all.


And the quarter's about to end.


I should probably start on that gathering Balrog of homework in the closet...


And c'mon, Transformers was awesome. D:

Hmmmmmm... I thought the plot was pretty screeching fast and kind of hindered character development (I had no idea any sort of relationship had harbored between Lebauf and Bumblebee, but by the end of the movie they were together).


Visually, it was impressive. Plot-wise, it could use a few make-overs.


*shrug* Dr. B *shrug*


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