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##### Bassai


Okay seriously guys, this is getting ridiculous. I still see sigs and banners talking about Matoro's death, and have heard actual deaths compared to Matoro's death.

This is ridiculous!


I can tolerate and understand some shock and "mourning" at first, but this has been going on since October. I actually saw a sig today(I won't name the member) that said, "Matoro died to save you!"

What the heck? Is it just me, or are people almost bordering on worshiping Matoro?


While Matoro was and is one of my favorite storyline characters(especially in 2001), he's gone in the story, and that's that. I'm tired of seeing people always talking about him. But what truly disgusts me is when people compare real people's deaths with Matoro's death, as if he was some sort of a real person. I'm sorry, but this is just too extreme.




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Doesn't seem like worship to me, unless I'm missing something. But yeah, I'm getting a little tired of seeing it everywhere. I'm not saying anything against the people who do have R.I.P. banners, but I think it's just going a little too far. -_-


~Doctor! Doctor!

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Convert to Matoroism! :P


Yeah, maybe people will start going around knocking people's doors trying to give them pamphlets about the great Matoro, and his prophets, the people who buy Bionicle sets. :P



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I hear it's the fastest growing religion among Matoran on the island Matoro-Nui.


"Can I interest you in some face rocks?"


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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I completely agree with you on this. When it comes down to this, he really is, let's face it... a character in an imaginary story (and also a plastic set). People probably shouldn't be going to these extremes, and although it doesn't bother me too much, it does other people.

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Convert to all four. NOW.


Matoro died to save YOU,

Botar died to save your weapons,

Lhikan died to save Vakama (eh, maybe you shouldn't convert),

Tuyet died... to... eh... Just convert, okay?



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