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Shadows In The Sky!

Grey Snow


I got it today, finished it in about an hour, and it's the best Bionicle book yet!

Ask me any questions on it if you want, best book yet, Greg's best work that I've read.


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Guest kopakanuva13


AWESOME! Can you please give a small summary in spoiler tags? I'm sort of embarrassed to buy books in the kid's section since I'm 15, almost 16, and I'm too lazy to hire a ten year old to go get it XD

So if you want to, can you please just give an overview? ;)

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Yeah, and you could use Amazon like I did, but here's the basic overview:










and the Makuta you can probably figure out using the same system, M going before them.


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T and G are walking a week ago looking for vines I think it was to repair a bridge. T keeps seeing something flying, Gavla turns the corner, he does, and she's mutated. He flees and sees more in the village and another two beings.

Current time:

He and the other Light are underground in a small hiding place, the Makuta are attacking I think at some points, then while MV is flying he leeches an Av with his Kanohi and flyes to meet the other two.

Matoro uses the Ignika and they're blinded as the Av take cover to avoid the light that even hits underground.

They see the Makuta flying out of control and attack while they can.

Eventually the Shadow are used as eyes, more Av fall, and that sort of thing.

MM and V are working and MV comes. He pulls MM aside and then he says the frost beetle quote to MV.

I think they attack again, the six Nuva appear and assist. Realm of Fear takes place around this time (the new comic), so those events happen.

Ignika is born from seaweed and that sort of thing, makes his board, and flyes up.

The Mistika leave, the Phantoka stay. They learn of six tablets, the Av have one part, the Shadow (Kirop) another, and the Makuta a third. The six tell how to awaken Mata-Nui, and as Kirop flyes on patrol around the shadow villages Lewa takes him down.

Kopaka retrieves him later, imprisons him, takes the part, and they stage something so he thinks they'll attack the Hive. He gets out w/his shadow powers, flyes away, and the Phantoka follow.

Ignika joins them from behind and as they reach the Hive (Vican left to deliver a summons to Icarax) MM attacks Kirop out of K's stupidity for leading the enemy to the Hive.

They attack, Ignika, L and P going to find the leeches while K stays to fight MM.

He uses mind games so they can't see the leeches lining the walls and they fight.

The other group attacks a large serpent in the passage, Ignika is nowhere to be found.

It's another mind game, they see Ingika as the serpent and Ignika decides to kill them and drains their life.

PN figures it out and pins Ignika to the wall and sees the Ignika on him.

They move on to go back to Kopaka I think.

He's defeated, he decides against his ice due to fear (it didn't say if it was MM's Fear power or not), but he feared for S who was on the ground.

He's defeated and left for dead essentially.

He attacks since he was playing dead and manages to freeze MM over.

The other Makuta arrive and imprison the Toa in Protosteel chains.

The Matoran are taken to be killed if the Toa don't comply and they are interrigated I think, LN about to be leeched.

PN uses his Kanohi to vibrate his body, gets out, takes out the footing of the two Makuta (I think A and M, M using the leech) and frees the other Nuva and Ignika.

He gets the Matoran out of there and they head to the skies while the Makuta follow.

one of them (Pohatu I think) slips back in to get the third piece of the tablet while Icarax arrives around this point.

They fight, Icarax fights Ignika who reverses his aging and gives him his organs, etc. back and he starts to die essentially with them being squeezed into the armor.

The Makuta decide to go to the swamp for the final battle and head down.


Teridax is floating to a fortress that doesn't have weapons to deal with energy for and says he's about to complete his final mission.


Basically like that.

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