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Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Kyn Ace (III)


Vidya gaemz for another generation.


It's everything Melee was and more. Except Marth, Fox and Falco aren't top tier anymore. Zero Suit Samus on the other hand, most definetely. I dare you to prove me wrong.


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Samus Ain't top-tier. This guy is top-tier:




And you can't prove me wrong; I own the gamez. *waves copy*

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Samus Ain't top-tier. This guy is top-tier:




And you can't prove me wrong; I own the gamez. *waves copy*


Samus sucks, Zero Suit Samus on the other hand is very awesome. I own the game too ;D Eight straight hours of playing because I'm slow at playing Vidya gaemz



ZS Samus + Beam Sword = Ultimate OWNAGE.


It's scientifically proven.


Final Smash is the only item currently on.


Also I've unlocked all the characters and have to say Jigglypuff was the hardest to unlock. Simply because none of the strategy sites say what Level 18 is. For the record, it's The Swamp >.>

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Marth will still be top tier.


Pit, Toon Link and Olimar also look good.




Marth sucks. He's so much slower and loses hit boxes with the change in his B move.


As well Olimar sucks outside the SSE. Pit and Toon Link on the other hand are pretty high up in my book.

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@Candlejack: Huh, Jigglypuff was the easiest to unlock in Melee...


@Candlejack's second thingy after I posted: How dare you! Marth was and still is my best charrie! I can put the beat-down on three level-nines of any character(s) all coming at me at once while teamed up against me with Marth! He's more powerful if anything due to them increasing the speed of his <--/--> + B move.


In short: He no suck! You fail at life!




Plus I played as Zero-suit Samus. Not only are her attacks weak but, while she is fast, her pain-tolerance is saddeningly low. In short: She gets knocked around incredibly easily, and really the only thing that redeems her only slightly is her speed, which Marth can almost match. In two words: She sucks.


Now, Snake, when put to the sounds of Weird Al's "Spy Hard" is just plain awesome.


@Xaerax: Same story as with my brother. To put it in short: Besides two new taunts(Neither are as annoying as a constant torrent of "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!") ans a final smash, he is the same. It's rather hard to improve a pink sphere that eats things. Especially graphically.

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@Candlejack: Huh, Jigglypuff was the easiest to unlock in Melee...


@Candlejack's second thingy after I posted: How dare you! Marth was and still is my best charrie! I can put the beat-down on three level-nines of any character(s) all coming at me at once while teamed up against me with Marth! He's more powerful if anything due to them increasing the speed of his <--/--> + B move.


In short: He no suck! You fail at life!


Marth loses hit boxes because of his standard B, and he loses wavedashing and pretty much everything about him is slightly weaker.


As well Jigglypuff was hard for me to unlock in Brawl simply because on every site I checked they only said "Complete Classic Mode on any difficulty" or "Level 18 of SSE". No name of the level, just "Level 18" >.>


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Really I've found his standard B more effective; the new position allows a "wave effect" that sends an attack slightly beyond his sword. In addition his ^ + B move goes higher, and the <-/-> + B move is a lot easier to go through the full four. In melee you had to get the timing exactly right. It's a lot easier now, plus it's faster, meaning less time open for attacks from another enemy such as with the Marth vs. 3 level-nines on a team against him example I gave.

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