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The Undiscovered Powers



I'm not going to claim I know Bionicle physics, but Light Toa could be amazing if they were skilled enough. Think about it:
  • Radio waves
  • UV light
  • Harmful radiation in general
  • Blinding
  • Illusions caused by a Avi-Toa sending certain light waves to the eyes of an observer.
  • Attacks are faster than any other element's attacks.


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Don't forget that with the UV rays they could fry their enemys...


That's what you were getting at with the UV part... Whoops... Thank me, Mr. Obvious...

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Hmm...he could shoot a weak blast of light at an enemy traveling at the speed of light. When the bolt hit the enemy, it would be propelled forward at the same speed of the bolt, erasing it from the time/space continuum. Right?



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I think Greg said that some things like UV waves are not going to happen, because they are beyond the scope of the average reader. Regardless, blinding always appealed to me as a good move.
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Two things.

1. What does radio waves have to do with light? (I don't want complicated mind-boggling equations. Plain English please.) :rolleyes:

2. I'm sure a Toa of Light could do all of these things but Greg doesn't want to do them for obvious reasons.


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1. What does radio waves have to do with light? (I don't want complicated mind-boggling equations. Plain English please.) :rolleyes:


Technically, nothing. Both are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but radio waves have longer wavelengths. Light typically refers to Visible light, IR light, and UV light, and radio waves are just radio waves. Both, however, are forms of radiation (things that aren't composed of matter, anti-matter, dark matter, or anti-dark matter).


I hope that was plain enough, 'cuz I can't think of another way of describing it. :P

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Let's see if I got this. :P Radio and light both have wavelengths. Correct? So, that means that light is a series of wavelengths that is visible to the human eye and radio waves aren't? Another question, if they techincally have nothing to do with each other, then why is it 'possible' for a Toa of Light to control Radio waves? :P


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Excellent points, it seems logical that a Toa of Light should be able to do those things. :)

And he could plunge area around an enemy in darkness as well, putting the enemy at quite a disadvantage.

Have we ever had a confirmation that Toa of Light can still change their colors? If so, could they not possibly give themselves a chameleon ability?

Also, from Wikipedia:

Since objects can be seen by light in the visible spectrum from a source reflecting off their surfaces and hitting the viewer's eye, the most natural form of invisibility (whether real or fictional) is an object which neither reflects nor absorbs light (that is, it allows light to pass through it).

So I wonder if a Toa of Light could stop themselves or others from reflecting light, resulting in invisibility?

I personally hope they could, that would be quite cool. :)

I believe I'll ask Greg about the subject.


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I forgot about microwaves, as well.


Ax: Eh. I doubt he'd be able to include anything like that storywise, as the other have stated above. It's something to think about, though.


~ShadowBolt~: I think light is any electromagnetic radiation. Argetlam states that radio waves aren't usually called "light" in the narrow definition he stated, but by my definition, any electromagnetic radiation is light.

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~ShadowBolt~: I think light is any electromagnetic radiation. Argetlam states that radio waves aren't usually called "light" in the narrow definition he stated, but by my definition, any electromagnetic radiation is light.

Nukora's definition is the more accepted idea in the general public, so it's perfectly alright for us to think that. It's when you get into the scientific community that the views become more, uh, scientific.

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I think I got it, kind of. Maybe I'll ask my Science Teacher tomorrow at school for more clarification. Thanks guys!



Edit: I looked at what you guys have to say. I think I understand it. Any waves (the kind we're talking about) produce light? So, that means the light we see are waves in the visible spectrum? Correct? I'm really sorry if I seem pretty stupid and missing the obvious you guys.

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